Medical preparedness

18 Feb 2015 by filed in Preparedness
And we’re back!   There’s been a flurry of activity behind the sabbatical at Preparedness Pro so that I could move it forward to what I really, really wanted it to be. And today I’m going to share with you the results thereof because chances are, if you’re reading this, then that activity will indeed impact you, and very soon too, I suspect.   Over the past several months I’ve been putting a major undertaking into play.  I’ve sorted through 15 years of belongings, including massive amounts of...
12 Jan 2013 by filed in Medical Preparedness
  This week my inbox has exploded with Google alerts on the keywords for “flu” and “influenza.” Over and over again I see dramatic headlines such as “Flu emergency declared”; “NY Reports 500% Increase in Flu Cases”; “US Grapples With Epidemic Level Flu Season”; my favorite one was this little ditty—“U.S. Scrambles for Flu Shots as Death Toll Continues to Rise.” The irony of that last one is that it didn’t even present a case for a shortage of vaccines. The article mentioned ONE state, Colorado...
21 Mar 2011 by filed in Medical Preparedness
 This past month brought news of a shortage in ADD/ADHD medicine, vaccinations, and even the not-so-lovely news of pharmaceutical drug prices hitting a 10 year high—news that only heavy stockholders would care about. For the rest of us, I hope that this is just nudging us more strongly to quicken our  pace in getting off of any non-emergency dependence on the medical society. (Attention naysayers: I said NON-EMERGENCY; which is a nowhere near  being the same as eliminating dependency on the...
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