Preparedness–Your Personal “Source Code” Scenario

When a government plan is passed that I feel vehemently opposed to; when I hear of the levels of radiation in California water being more than 18 THOUSAND percent higher than acceptable standards; when I feel the intense squeeze on my finances as the cost of gasoline and essential grocery items skyrocket; when I’m confronted by the ludicrous foolishness of my fellowmen; or when a 12 year old girl is told for the 4th time that her Leukemia has returned–it’s so tempting to feel beaten and completely helpless—unable to do anything to fix it or to change it.  Unfortunately, that mental “beat down” feeling is the worst response to the unpleasant happenings in our world, and certainly one of the least helpful. But such a response is common place today. It’s my belief that such is the case because most people don’t have a positive and helpful way to absorb all of the mess in their surroundings so they turn to voices and vices which may yell louder and distract from the appalling realities that we find ourselves surround by.