A Seven Year Famine

    There are great deal of headlines making the news lately which all point towards the realistic possibility of a terrible drought. Drought, famine, pestilence—it’s not exactly something that we spend much of our days thinking about. However, in my desire to fortify my Spiritual and Mental Preparedness (the Read more…

Should You Go To a Hospital Amidst a Crisis?


hospitalFrequently when the term “emergency” is used, it is usually connected to a visit to the hospital.  In the event of an earthquake, terrorist attack, or pandemic one can expect the hospitals to be taxed greater than 600% of what they are equipped to handle. Ironically, any time you have a situation in which there are more patients than a hospital is equipped to handle, you’re faced with a sub-crisis within your crisis. Today I wanted to give you some real numbers and some real facets to consider with regard to a hospital’s ability to respond in a disaster.

20 Signs That Dust Bowl Conditions Will Return

dust bowlSome of you may be completely  unaware of what is meant when the phrase “dust bowl” is used. As a quick tutorial, the dust bowl was a devastating time in the history of our nation in which we had burdensome drought conditions coupled by extreme high temperatures, destructive winds, and harsh erosion in the 1930’s. This onslaught of dust affected the majority of the nation in one way or another because this dust bowl weather pattern sorely taxed already struggling farmers as a result of economic breakdowns endured during this time as well. Dust bowl means that crops fail, cattle die, and farmers lose their land to banks because they are unable to keep up on their payments.  The harsh weather conditions lasted from 1933 to 1940. Rain finally came in 1941. During that time people moved from rural settings to suburban ones. You can imagine what kind of economic impact such devastation brought to the rest of the nation.

When an Underground Bunker is Reasonable and Prudent

I am NOT a fan of underground bunkers in the name of preparing against a nuclear fall-out scenario.  In my opinion, it’s just plain overkill in light of what I believe to be practical. I recently watched a cast member of National Geographic’s “Doomsday Preppers” show who spent at least six figures just to install an empty underground bunker, located an hour and a half away from his home—which also means that he had to drop a pretty penny for the land as well. 

bed bugs

Creepy Crawly Preparedness

bed bugsGenerally speaking, insects, mice, and other pests and vermin are enemies of our self-reliance. While there are many gidgets and gadgets today to help rid our lives of these nuisances, we really do need to look at addressing such problems without the presumption that we’ll have the luxury of such comfortable tools in the future. I would suggest specifically being capable of handling mice, rats, spiders, ants, excess flies, bed bugs, crickets, and mosquitoes, etc. as these intruders can compromise the viability of even the best self-reliance efforts.


Blind Bedazzling-Gold & Silver Reviewed

goldI suppose I have to address this issue sooner or later. What do I think about buying gold and silver to hedge against a financial collapse? Personally, I’d pass.

Among the 10 Principles of Preparedness, the Principle of Financial Preparedness is Number Nine in order of prioritization. If times get so tough that one feels like they have to rely on gold and silver, there are a heck of a lot worse problems that will come to the forefront which will have nothing to do with traditional currency.

Several years ago I had