The Battle of Mice and Men

If you’re experiencing a problem with mice now, just wait until there’s a time that regular sanitation services aren’t available. The mild winter, flooding, and record heat have created a perfect storm for the mouse population. If you see signs of one in your home, there’s at least 34 others…for about 3 weeks anyway, in which time another litter of 4 to 6 are bred and the female then immediately  begins gestation again. Though the average lifespan of a mouse is 18 months, in that time they can produce 60-80 mice.

The Necessity of Water Storage INSIDE Your Home

A couple of weekends ago I was visiting with a wonderful couple who live out in the middle of a gorgeous portion of what I call “God’s country.” Their house was up at the top of a hill with 20 acres and a beautiful, rolling stream nearby.  They were conscientious of many of the principles of preparedness—more so that most I get to visit with.  However, when I asked about their Water Preparedness, one of them said to me, “What do I need that for?” He knew he needed water, of course, but he saw no need to make room for any water storage inside his home when he had a beautiful natural source outside.  Unfortunately, as I began to share just a few of the reasons why this would be important, it was clear that I wasn’t going to be able to share anything new with him. He felt quite physically strong at the time, I’m sure, and perhaps even invincible to what might someday pollute the water outside his home, making his outside water unfit and even deadly to drink.