Preparedness Pro Update

 Well, I’m back from playing around and taking some time off, so your update is coming on a Wednesday. 🙂 Hey, better late than never I suppose. Wow. Can you believe it’s June already? The weather sure isn’t manifesting that. We’ve got record levels of rain, snow, and even low temperatures here in the West. Record dry weather back east. And record number of tornadoes and devastation as a result of said tornadoes.  Think Someone is trying to tell us something? Wow. What a way to start off the summer season.  These records aren’t just for the decades. Some of these are records for the last 150 years! It will be interesting to see what the hurricane season is like this year.

Food Shortage Series Part III

The Financial Storm Strengthened by Food Shortage

Today I will continue the series of Food Shortage. For starters though, I just want to say thank you for the mounds of e-mails I received from persons over the last couple of days begging me and encouraging me to continue with the series. It was almost as if some felt that I had given up on writing this series due to some of the negative comments that were posted in response.  Now, now, Folks; you should know me better than that. I don’t scare easily.

Food Part IV Nutrition Insurance

by Kellene

So, what do you do when you feel like your food supply isn’t nutritional enough, too expensive, too tenable, and at risk of being in short supply? You take matters into your own hands.

To me, this is a large reason why I make sure I have a long-lasting amount of food in my pantry at all times. My mind is more aware of these kinds of imminent interruptions and inconveniences to my food acquisition than it is with the possibility of a catastrophic earthquake, which is why I took so much time to present such a case for such everyday possibilities.  Fortunately, we still have a LARGE number of ways to ensure we still stay in control of our food quality and prices.