I’m Cold–Please Pass the Hand Sanitizer

Ok. I’ll admit it. I have LOTS and LOTS of hand sanitizer in storage.  I frequently can get it free thanks to coupons combined with sales and at the very least when I have a coupon for Purell or some other name brand, I’ll at least use it at Target in their Trial Size section and bring home the little travel sizes for free. But lately I’ve become a little bit disenchanted with the merits of using the standard hand sanitizer. I’m researching a few things along the lines of spreading germs and I’m starting to lean towards the “if you’re using hand sanitizer you’re building up the immunity of bacteria” camp. I’m not sure I’m there quite yet, but at the very least I personally feel that using essential oils are better for me in circumstances in which I’d use hand sanitizers. That being said, what the heck can I do with all that I’ve got on hand without feeling like I’m being mean to anyone that I’d give it to? Well, I’m happy to say I’ve found several alternative uses that I’d like to share with you. Keep in mind, I’m referring to the standard, clear hand sanitizers that are the consistency of jell-o that went amuck. I suspect the liquids and foams would work well too for these alternative methods, but I’ve only played around with the gel since that’s what I have so much of.

Dragon Bites Dragonslayer

by Kellene

For the past 10 years I’ve been teaching others how to easily use a pressure cooker in their modern-day kitchens. It’s no secret that I absolutely LOVE mine and simply could not live with as much peace of mind without it.  Amidst my classes I frequently encounter persons who have horror stories of how the pressure cooker blew up in their grandmother’s kitchen spraying tomatoes all over the ceiling. I always assure them that such horror stories have a logical reason and need not be the norm. In fact, I believe that pressure cookers are very, very safe to use in the homes. Think of me as the Pressure Cooker Dragonslayer. *grin*  Pressure cookers are harmless—unless

“What If…?” RFID: A Case for Financial Preparedness

In Revelations chapter 13 verses 16 and 17 it says:

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

RFIDWhile there has been much speculation as to whether or not this prophecy of the last days has already come to pass with the use of UPC codes, I believe all prophecies will be fulfilled quite literally as they have so many times thus far. I recently found myself exploring a question in consideration of this prophesy as well as the substantial information available about the reality of RFID chips