Food Shortage Series Part 4

Course Correction—I Was Wrong

You know you’re in for a bumpy ride when I start out my article saying “PLEASE DO NOT PANIC”, right? Well hang on. And keep your screams muffled in front of the children as well as the non-preparedness-believing spouse, OK? You don’t want to undo any traction you might have gained recently, right?

Food Shortage Series Part III

The Financial Storm Strengthened by Food Shortage

Today I will continue the series of Food Shortage. For starters though, I just want to say thank you for the mounds of e-mails I received from persons over the last couple of days begging me and encouraging me to continue with the series. It was almost as if some felt that I had given up on writing this series due to some of the negative comments that were posted in response.  Now, now, Folks; you should know me better than that. I don’t scare easily.

Food Shortage Series Part 1

Warning: Food Supply and Affordability are Seriously Threatened

The Overview

Why have I not written for several days? Well, believe it or not, it’s not because of the television show that I’ve been preparing to have filmed by TLC, and it’s not because of the extra radio shows lately.  It’s not even been a time management issue and fortunately my health has been great. Unfortunately, my delay in posting something worthwhile is because I’ve been struggling with how to share the information I have in such a way that you’ll be motivated to act, as well as those you love, and not do so in a panic.  

A Hoarder With Pride

Let’s face it. A household that’s full of enough groceries and other household supplies to last a year isn’t exactly a common sight nowadays. In fact, I know many persons who would actually label such a person as a hoarder. However, they would be woefully incorrect in this assessment and I hope that many of you can shake off the negative stigma that such a label carries with it. If I were to pay my utilities a year in advance or save enough money to live off of for a year without incurring debt, would someone presume to judge me as a hoarder?  Would such a wise financial act cause a sense of scarcity among the banks and creditors of the world? No. In fact, (more…)


Food Part III: Nutritional Compromise

by Kellene

FoodIn the last two segments in this series on Food, I’ve attempted to address our vulnerable reliance on our world’s food supply. When there is a shortage, we pay for it dearly. When a great deal of products are reliant upon one particular crop, we give away much of our freedom as well.  When the core of our habits for feeding and enjoying are based on a particular product, we are also subjected to the price demands which come with such dependence.  I’m sure that many of you remember how difficult it was to adjust our monthly budgets to meet the drastic increase in fuel prices.  Not long after that shock, over 70% of all credit card holders had their minimum payments on their credit cards increase substantially.  Thus far I’ve addressed the availability and the cost of our foods due to our system at present and how our preparedness efforts can counteract such unpleasant realities.  Today, I believe I’m addressing an even more important aspect of food though—it’s compromised nutrition.

Food—Dressed to Kill Part I

[caption id="attachment_4143" align="alignleft" width="201" caption="Will your pantry shelves mirror the store shelves in an emergency or food shortage?"]Food[/caption]

There is a serious food supply emergency going on right now. We don’t have to wait any longer folks. In fact, I would say we are at Level Orange with very little more required to push us to Level Red.  No. I’m not spewing fear and chaos. I’m trying to share information with you laid out in a rational, factual manner so that you can be aware and to take measures to insure that you are affected by this food crisis as minimally as possible. Remember. I don’t teach fear. I teach preparedness.

Freeze-Dried Easy

[caption id="attachment_2152" align="alignright" width="243" caption="Freeze Dried Blueberries. Photo c/o"]Freeze Dried Blueberries. Photo c/o[/caption]

While I am able to obtain produce periodically, I have to say the majority of the fruits and vegetables in my food storage are of the freeze-dried variety? Why? Cost and convenience.

Consider this. I can purchase a flat of fresh blueberries for $30-$35 at a farmers market. Undoubtedly there will be some waste, bruising,

UNDERwhelmed in Food Storage Part 6 of 8

Food Storage.  It really doesn’t have to be complicated.

[caption id="attachment_1231" align="alignright" width="294" caption="Medical Emergency Preparedness photo c/o"]Medical Emergency Preparedness photo c/o[/caption]

When it comes to emergency preparedness, there are actually 10 different components to consider, listed below in order of priority:

UNDERwhelmed in Food Storage Part 3 of 8

Yes, You Can Find Space

We’ve all thought it.  “Where in the world would I put a years supply of food storage?!”  Unfortunately, such a question leads many to not even attempt to be prepared for an emergency.

[caption id="attachment_1162" align="alignright" width="203" caption="55 Gallon Water Barrels"]55 Gallon Water Barrels[/caption]

When it comes to having somewhere to put your emergency preparedness supplies, it usually boils down to priorities.  I know you don’t want to hear that, and I realize this isn’t ALWAYS the case.  But throughout my emergency preparedness consulting, I’ve always been able to find “more room” for emergency preparedness