
12 Jan 2013 by filed in Medical Preparedness
  This week my inbox has exploded with Google alerts on the keywords for “flu” and “influenza.” Over and over again I see dramatic headlines such as “Flu emergency declared”; “NY Reports 500% Increase in Flu Cases”; “US Grapples With Epidemic Level Flu Season”; my favorite one was this little ditty—“U.S. Scrambles for Flu Shots as Death Toll Continues to Rise.” The irony of that last one is that it didn’t even present a case for a shortage of vaccines. The article mentioned ONE state, Colorado...
09 Jun 2009 by filed in Preparedness
Photo c/o sqpn.com Are you ready to survive a 90-day quarantine?  Is such a scenario even realistic? Well, let’s explore that. Suppose the flu virus did get out of hand.  In all actuality, it’s quite likely.  The most current strain is eerily similar to the Spanish flu virus of 1918 which went pandemic in less than 3 months.  It took the lives of over fifty-percent of those who contracted it.  It took only 8 months for it to kill 100 million people.  The only thing saving us right now is...
19 Feb 2009 by filed in Medical Preparedness
  In December 2008 Panasonic Corp. asked that several of its overseas employees send their families home to Japan due to the threat of pandemic influenza.  Panasonic even gave a September, 2009 deadline for completion of the moves.  While some analysts claim this unusual request is simply a cover-up for controlling costs on the part of Panasonic, it certainly is credible enough to give pause for emergency preparedness evaluation in our personal lives.  Bloomberg analysts have claimed that...
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