More Cheese Wax Controversy??

Over the weekend I received 2 postings on the cheese waxing topic. Both postings were strongly AGAINST someone waxing their own cheese. Unfortunately, I feel that this leads folks astray just as much as telling a person that there is no need to prepare. So I wanted to add some clarification and THEN post the main part of the body of the message these individuals posted.

The Self-Inflicted Wound

“Hello. My name is Kellene and I’ll be volunteering as your victim today.  Please try to keep your assaults isolated to hidden areas as I have an image to uphold.”

As I’ve said a hundred times, there are no victims, only volunteers.  When we volunteer to pay 300% more for something than what we could spend if we were more patient or proactive, then I consider that to be a self-inflicted price gouging wound. A real danger comes when we’re faced with the painful reality of such decisions in light of today’s economic stage. Attempting to ignore the consequences of seemingly innocent spending choices can literally make the difference between being financially strong or falling into a death spiral of financial ruin.

Do-It-Yourself Cottage Cheese

cottage cheeseWhen it comes to making your own cheese from powdered milk, I decided to start off easy today and address cottage cheese making specifically.

Perhaps you’re thinking that cottage cheese is simply a luxury that you’ll do without in a survival scenario. Ok. That’s fine if you’d prefer not to indulge in it. But I use it strategically in my home.

Settling the Cheese Wax Controversy

cheese-wax-controversyIt’s interesting what a seemingly innocuous sounding sentence can do.  Apparently the phrase “you can wax your own cheese and store it” is a vile enough claim to cause some to turn on their evil buttons. Oh the controversy. But the problem is that the misinformed cheese wax controversy is causing some to not have their favorite food group in stock in the event of an emergency. No cheese? That’s practically against my religion. I’d rather be hung by my toes and pummeled with an organic carrot than be forced to survive without chocolate and cheese. So, I consider it my duty to share the sound reasons as to why I’m completely comfortable waxing and storing my own cheese.

Solar Oven Confessions

[caption id="attachment_1529" align="alignright" width="239" caption="I'm a Daring Cook!"]I'm a Daring Cook![/caption]

My confession is not that I’m a good cook. The confession is that I’m a bit daring in my cooking, in that I’m not afraid to try new things and new recipes. I can usually read through a recipe and determine whether or not it will be good, and even what to add or subtract from it prior to making it. In the past I’ve even ventured to cook things on the fly, even when it was for a large gathering. I started this somewhat dangerous habit on the menu of a girlfriend’s wedding reception over 12 years ago. I still remember how amazingly well