Bean Fest!

Today we’re going to take another look at beans and all of the GREAT things that you can do with them. I’m so enamored with the bounty of bean possibilities that I’ve set out the past 6 months to ensure that I have several hundred pounds of a variety of Read more…

Ten Principles of Preparedness: #4 Medical

 This past month brought news of a shortage in ADD/ADHD medicine, vaccinations, and even the not-so-lovely news of pharmaceutical drug prices hitting a 10 year high—news that only heavy stockholders would care about. For the rest of us, I hope that this is just nudging us more strongly to quicken our  pace in getting off of any non-emergency dependence on the medical society. (Attention naysayers: I said NON-EMERGENCY; which is a nowhere near  being the same as eliminating dependency on the medical society all together.) (more…)