Should You Go To a Hospital Amidst a Crisis?


hospitalFrequently when the term “emergency” is used, it is usually connected to a visit to the hospital.  In the event of an earthquake, terrorist attack, or pandemic one can expect the hospitals to be taxed greater than 600% of what they are equipped to handle. Ironically, any time you have a situation in which there are more patients than a hospital is equipped to handle, you’re faced with a sub-crisis within your crisis. Today I wanted to give you some real numbers and some real facets to consider with regard to a hospital’s ability to respond in a disaster.

Do It Yourself Grains

So to start off let me ask you a question. Do you have your rice?

I don’t know about you, but rice is one of my “must have” staples in my home. It is a part of the 350 pounds of grains I have per person for a year’s supply.  I especially love the heartiness which my brown rice affords me. But there are some rough roads ahead in this regard due to the flooding which is going on in our heartland area.

Behold the Manual Can Opener

I actually think it’s quite comical that I’m writing about this particular topic. But hey, every aspect of self-reliance should be addressed at least once on here, right? So what the heck.  Though the humor of this scenario comes from the fact that during the course of the  last two radio shows I’ve shared some “controversial” information (particularly on Wednesday’s show about The Medical Lies).  While I simply set a few misnomers straight on this morning’s show, I find it delightfully humorous that I got so many e-mails after the show regarding what I mentioned briefly about can openers.  You would have thought I exposed the fact that the dish had run away with the spoon and that the can opener orchestrated it all. *grin*

The Vitality of Salt

by Kellene

[caption id="attachment_4575" align="alignleft" width="292" caption="Salt, the base of society"]salt[/caption]

Throughout the world’s history salt has been taxed exorbitantly, wars have been fought for control of salt, and it has been used as a medium of exchange EQUAL to gold. Dare we ignore something that so valuable it even overshadows the Texas oil industry? In fact, in desert areas all over the world, the people are well aware of it lifesaving value.  In such environments, wars are likely to break out over salt mining rights just as easily as gold or oil.

What’s the Shelf-Life of Wheat?


How long will your wheat last? What’s the best way to store it? How do I keep insects out of it?  What do I do when it smells like the can?

Today I was doing a training which involved going over the shelf life of various foods. One woman in attendance incorrectly stated to the entire class that “wheat goes bad easily because it has oil in it, and so it goes rancid if you’re not careful.”

Yes, You Can Easily Can Meat

meat-butcherIf you’re like me, you’re an avid meat eater.  I plan on having meat protein in at least one meal a day, even during an emergency.  Rather than relying on my hunting skills or the availabilty of tasty game after a nuclear blast, a hurricane, or an earthquake, I’ve made sure to store chicken, turkey, SPAM, seafood, and beef.  However, I got sick of paying $4 to $6 a pound real fast!  I also didn’t really want to eat “jerky” for a whole year either.  So I simply HAD to find out for myself whether or not it’s possible to can “bottle” meat.  Sure enough, YES, it is.  And it’s EASY to can meat!