Special Christmas Cookie Recipe--My Gift to You!

If I could make you all cookies and deliver them to your door with a smile and a "Merry Christmas", I would. But this will have to be the next best thing I could do for you.


This is a newly developed tradition. Neighbors who barely knew my name know it well after delivering these delights to their door... In fact, I had one person tell me that they didn't like raisins but they loved these cookies! Clearly, it's a unique tasting cookie, sure to be memorable to the recipients.




Christmas Orange Oatmeal Cookies



1 C. Flour

½ t. baking soda

½ t. salt

1 C. oats

½ C. raisins

½ C. chopped nuts (I prefer pecans)

½ C butter

1 C. Brown Sugar

1 Egg

1 heaping T. orange zest (FRESH)

2 generous T. freshly squeezed orange juice

Cream butter, sugar and egg. Add zest, juice and blend well.

Add flour, salt and baking soda. Blend

Add remaining ingredients and blend until fully incorporated. (You can substitute milk chocolate chips if you’re not a fan of raisins)

Drop by teaspoons full onto greased cookie sheet. (I use parchment paper or silpat instead). About 2 inches apart.

Bake 12-13 minutes at 350 degrees.



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