Sorry-no update today
I’m taking the day off to celebrate my 10th Buy anaprox Anniversary with my best friend, my husband. Catch you all on Monday. –Kellene
I’m taking the day off to celebrate my 10th Buy anaprox Anniversary with my best friend, my husband. Catch you all on Monday. –Kellene
Faraday Cage c/o
We’ve established that an EMP incident will fry all electronics. This occurs whether or not they are plugged in or turned on. This also affects automobiles, batteries, computers, medical equipment, etc. Needless to say, in such an instance, life as we know it will change dramatically. Even more distressing is the fact that the strike of an EMP is not likely to give any warning. You don’t see it. You don’t feel it. You are simply left with the sudden consequences and whatever preparedness you have on hand. So, other than your preparedness supplies, your new best friend may be a Faraday cage. (more…)
When any natural disaster hits a region there will always be devastating consequences, particularly to those who are in ill health or who rely on medications and modern technology to get through their day. Unfortunately, without preparing medically, these individuals will be the first casualties of such a disaster. I understand that stating such a reality doesn’t make me popular or a preferred guest at your next dinner party, but I do feel compelled to teach you the real consequences of a crisis, while also teaching you to prepare medically so you can avoid being a death statistic.
Yesterday we discussed the reality of an EMP attack on the U.S. and today we will bring the aftermath of an EMP attack a bit closer so that we can mentally go through the various ramifications. If you mentally prepare, even little by little, you will be significantly better off.
I’ve conducted over 100 food storage evaluations over the last year and a half, and while there are a myriad of issues and common errors that many make, one thing that concerns me the most is a lack of emphasis on the storage of fruits and vegetables. These items are critical in fulfilling the body’s need for fiber, vitamins and minerals. The best weapon you can have in an emergency is your health and fruits and veggies are a key to providing this. A focus on fruits and veggies has a great deal of lifesaving merit.
Yes, The WHO has moved the swine flu alert level to level 6, the highest level available. While some may speculate that this is merely a political move to free up funds for willy-nilly spending, understand that this is also a very historical move. There are viable concerns about the swine flu. This article intends to show you the real face of the H1N1 virus. Here are a handful of facts that you truly do need to know.
Someone mentioned to me this morning that they wish they had a farm. I personally have been wishing that I had a space for a real garden. I have recently embraced the use of square foot gardening and one thing I decided to do this year in my garden that has me practically giddy is planting herbs in the space that I normally have planted flowers. I have to tell you, I’m thrilled with the results. I never fully knew about the ease and magic of growing your own herbs! I can’t believe I’ve been paying $3 to $8 for a bottle of herbs that are easily grown in my “flower” garden! Let’s start at the beginning.
I can’t think of a single person I know who wouldn’t love more sanity and peace in their life. But I suspect that very few of them would think of cutting coupons as a source of that sanity and peace, right?
Last Sunday at church, a guy gave a lesson to the whole congregation on financial preparedness and being financially prudent regardless of whether you’re struggling or not. His advice was timely and right on.