Food Storage Dishes Fit for a King

Many are reluctant to take food storage preparations seriously due to a fear that they will have to live merely on beans and rice.  While I do enjoy a good meal of beans and rice, I’ll admit the thought of it makes me somewhat depressed.  As a professional preparedness consultant, I can assure you that your meals need not be any less enjoyable during an emergency than they are now.  You can truly anticipate meals that are fit for a king, even when you’re living off of your storable commodities.

Food is the Best Investment

[caption id="attachment_725" align="alignright" width="216" caption="Photo: James Davies"]Photo: James Davies[/caption] With the market being the way it is, many are asking what is the safest investment nowadays.  I’ll tell you.  FOOD.  FOOD is the BEST investment today.

Why?  Because if used properly, it’s life saving.  A meal today will always be worth a meal tomorrow.  Food is the best investment because Wall Street can never alter its impact on our appetites.

water storage

Better than FREE Food Storage!

Why don’t I believe someone who says they don’t have food storage because they can’t afford it?  Because chances are, these are the same folks who wouldn’t focus on food and water preparedness even if they had the funds.  Sad but true.  Why do I say this?  First of water storageall WATER STORAGE is FREE and yet I rarely see a person who has even a semblance of the amount of water they need.  Surely they have empty 2-liter bottles that they can use to store clean water in the event of an emergency.  And if they don’t, they sure as heck know someone who does.

But What about a Fire?

[caption id="attachment_693" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Photo c/o"]House fire[/caption] I’m not afraid of an earthquake.  I’m not afraid of a famine or a pandemic.  I’m not afraid of a nuclear attack.  And in some sadistic moments I hope that some idiot will actually try and harm me or my family so that I can put my firearm self-defense training to good use.  🙂  Obviously, the absence of fear is one of the fruits of being prepared.  But what about a fire?

Preserving Fresh Eggs

 eggs As I’ve been writing and researching recipes for my Emergency Preparedness cookbook, I’ve had an aversion to using any of my recipes which include eggs except for baking recipes.  While you can use the old egg-substitute concoction of gelatin*, or dry packed eggs, these alternatives are really only good for baking.  Dog gone it.  I KNOW that I’m going to crave real eggs in the midst of a crisis.  So I wanted to figure out a way to preserve fresh eggs for me and my family.

A Crisis of Choice

   OK. It’s no secret.  I could very easily be called “zealous” in my preparedness efforts.  Some lovingly or ignorantly (I don’t mind which) may even call me “paranoid.”  That’s OK.  The bottom line is I’m ready for the majority of crises that may occur.

Beans for Dessert

beansYou bet.  Even in an emergency you can feed your kids healthy, but scrumptious desserts!  Beans are incredibly versatile.  As you know they are also an excellent source of protein and Vitamin B, folic acid, niacin, and thiamine.  The human body even thrives when this particular food is relied upon.  It’s great for aiding digestive problems (ergo the creation of “Beano”), circulation, diabetes, and weight control.

Stop! Don’t Throw That Away!

Photo c/o blog.ecolect.netPhoto c/o

 Today we’re going to explore the uses of items from the toilet to the tropics.  (I’m sure I would have received a D- if I had started out a term paper this way.  But I just couldn’t resist.)  Toilet paper rolls and banana peels.  How about that combination?

Preparing for Babies in Your Food Storage

baby food

 While preparing main dishes for your family is necessary, it’s important to consider food for the non-nursing babies as well.  Due to the lack of preservatives in most baby foods, it’s not feasible to have enough baby-friendly foods stored in the event of survival living.  It also takes up a lot of valuable storage space.  If you’ve read my articles previously, then you know that I’m always trying to save space and find items that serve multiple purposes.  I take the exact same approach with food.  The nutritional value in baby food will deplete dramatically as it is stored, and yet in an emergency, it’s critical to ensure your child is getting the maximum nutrition in order to counteract the inevitable changes he or she will undergo.  So here are a few tips so that you can easily make your own infant-palate foods from the preparedness supplies that you’ll hopefully already have on hand.