Insure Against GMO Wheat?

[caption id="attachment_2861" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Genetically Modified Wheat photo c/o"]Genetically Modified Wheat photo c/o[/caption]

As if we need any more “signs, indicators, or reasons”, here is  yet another reason why I believe we all should be getting a year’s supply of wheat for our family. If GMO wheat is widely accepted, then that means that it won’t just affect your buckets of wheat that you may buy in the future. It obviously means that ALL products which you purchase which will contain wheat, or wheat by products, will also contain unwanted chemicals necessary for the GMO process.  I’m simply not a fan of those kinds of limited choices. Thus having my own supply of wheat is a must for me and my household.   Just some “food for thought” folks.

Solar Oven Source–Finally

Hey Folks. Several months ago I was waiting for a solar oven business to finally post it’s site. They didn’t. Why? Because they were bought out by another company–Five Star Preparedness. So when I found that out, I made friends with Five Star. (It wasn’t really hard because they use the same executive virtual office that we do–mine! Hee hee) Anyway, I wanted to let you know that they ARE able to take solar oven orders now. All you have to do to find them is go online at They only offer one solar oven though, because there’s only ONE that is actually manufactured to handle “worst case scenario use”.  And the best part is,

Do You Really Have Enough?

[caption id="attachment_2803" align="alignright" width="198" caption="Rotating Can Shelves photo c/o The Sassy Saver"]Rotating Can Shelves photo c/o The Sassy Saver[/caption] Last weekend I was speaking with a very excited man who is a relatively new acquaintance of mine. He claimed that he had finally broken down and bought a years supply of food for his family and even purchased those “nifty” little shelves to hold all of his cans. He was so excited, he just had to show me. So he took me to his storage room along with his pleased wife and with the flare of a Broadway emcee, displayed his years’ supply of food storage. As I stood there thinking of him and his wife and their 5 children, I was dumbfounded. I thought for sure that I was missing something. I looked around the small room to see where else he may be pointing. But nope. He had a small set of rotating can shelves full of cans of foods.

Sanitation—When You Gotta Go

While the thought of waste management isn’t sexy or glamorous, I wouldn’t be doing anyone any favors if I didn’t teach about sanitation in greater detail. So here are a few things that you’ve just GOT to know about do-it-yourself sanitation for a prolonged period of time.

Sorry to have to say this, but human waste is a huge danger in a disaster.

Practical H1N1 Prevention

h1n1-prevention-child-sick-in-bedI’m getting a lot of e-mails lately asking me for more details on the H1N1 risks. Frankly, I have a whole lot to say about the H1N1 flu, but that would probably take an entire day. So today I want to share some very basic aspects to help you begin to cut through some of the myths and misunderstandings about H1N1.

The Demise of the Dollar

[caption id="attachment_2746" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Demise of the Dollar. Photo c/o REX"]Demise of the Dollar. Photo c/o REX[/caption]

I have often written about my belief that our most imminent threat of disaster is a financial collapse.  Our society is so co-dependent in so many different ways that just ONE industry’s collapse will surely cause a ripple effect faster than Obama can say “stimulus.”  In my research this week I came across this article written for The Independent.  I feel that it does such a good job outlining our current state of the Dollar,

Preparedness Pro Commerce Independence Challenge

Are you ready folks? The most recent food challenge is going to seem like a cakewalk to some of you compared to this one. But it’s an important trial run in which your whole family should participate in. It’s called the Preparedness Pro Commerce Independence Challenge.

[caption id="attachment_2729" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Currency photo c/o AOL"]Currency photo c/o AOL[/caption]

Preparedness Pro Double Dog Dares You to go an entire 14 days without

100 Pounds of Potatoes for a Buck!

Last night as I was perusing our grocery store mailers, one in particular was advertising a 10 pound bag of potatoes for one dollar. I was pretty tickled about that price. Why? Because that means I can have ONE HUNDRED POUNDS of potatoes for only 1 dollar. How? Because it’s easy to convert 10 pounds of potatoes into 100 pounds of potatoes, even if you don’t have any more space than a deck or a small patio.

[caption id="attachment_2720" align="alignright" width="267" caption="You can even grow potatoes in the middle of an old tire! Photo c/o Hip Chick Digs"]You can even grow potatoes in the middle of an old tire! Photo c/o Hip Chick Digs[/caption]

It’s all about layered potato growing.