DIY Solar Oven

Today I’m going to give you an easy way to cook in a do-it-yourself solar oven. Understand that I do so only in the name of independence as circumstances may prevent you from having access to a commercially made solar oven. However, if I had a choice between using my own homemade solar oven and a commercial one, I would go commercial any time. Why? Because the commercial solar ovens I recommend are specifically made to handle rugged third world conditions. They are intended for cooking everyday for a number of years (5-15, depending on which model you get). The DIY solar ovens are not likely to last that long, be as sturdy, or handle as much volume as a solar oven you may purchase commercially.

Why I Worry About You

worryLast night I was begrudgingly up until 1:45 a.m. Finally I resorted to a sleeping aid so that I could get some much needed rest. (Thank goodness it kicked in at 2:00 a.m.) In spite of being reasonably comfortable in my personal preparedness efforts to be independent and thrive regardless of the scenario, I do have a nagging thought that plagues me and won’t let me sleep at night. What keeps the Preparedness Pro awake at night? It’s YOU.

A Community of Disaster

[caption id="attachment_2929" align="alignright" width="300" caption="New York policemen stand guard. Photo c/o Chris Hondros/AFP "]New York policemen stand guard. Photo c/o Chris Hondros/AFP [/caption]

Even hardened military personnel are taxed to their maximum ability when functioning as sentries for a structure round the clock. Regardless of how much military or emergency training one has, it’s simply unrealistic to think that anything less than 6 able-bodied adults can manage and protect a home in times of peril. Thus at some point it’s very likely that you will need to accept others into your home after a disaster that debilitates society as you now know it. Think about it. Let’s say that a home is “fully furnished” with a dad and a mom. In addition to the necessity

Charitable Preparedness

I’ll be blunt. I’ve rewritten the beginning of this article nearly 10 times now trying to lessen its uncomfortable impact. But it’s nearing 1:00pm already and I still haven’t successfully eliminated any discomfort the article may convey. So, I’m just going to say it like it is.

[caption id="attachment_2904" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Charitable Preparedness. Photo c/o elllo"]Charitable Preparedness. Photo c/o elllo[/caption]

If you are smart, you will have a year’s supply of necessities for you and your family stored. But if you are wise, you will have extra supplies on hand for the refugees that you’ll inevitably encounter after a catastrophic event.

Got Skills?

[caption id="attachment_2893" align="alignright" width="297" caption="Volunteer rebuilding New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. "]Volunteer rebuilding New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. [/caption]

Here’s a component of preparedness that few people think about—obtaining the necessary skills now that will aid in the rebuilding of our society in the aftermath.

Picture this. An EMP has wiped out all of our communications and electrical systems. After 6 months, many have died as the result

Buckets of Solutions


I’ve have to admit I’ve got buckets on the brain right now. A friend suggested that I share with you why that’s the case. To put it simply it could just be because that’s how I alleviate anxiety. But for some of you, buckets may be a way to peacefully organize your storage items, including food and preparedness supplies, in a more strategic manner.

[caption id="attachment_2856" align="alignright" width="300"]5 Gallon Buckets with Gamma Lid photo c/o Home Food Storage 5 Gallon Buckets with Gamma Lid photo c/o Home Food Storage[/caption]

I’ve stored food, medical, camping, and many other supplies in plastic buckets for as long as I can remember. They are tough enough to store nails in and very versatile. If there ever is a flood, I’ve ensured that a lot of the supplies in buckets

Insure Against GMO Wheat?

[caption id="attachment_2861" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Genetically Modified Wheat photo c/o"]Genetically Modified Wheat photo c/o[/caption]

As if we need any more “signs, indicators, or reasons”, here is  yet another reason why I believe we all should be getting a year’s supply of wheat for our family. If GMO wheat is widely accepted, then that means that it won’t just affect your buckets of wheat that you may buy in the future. It obviously means that ALL products which you purchase which will contain wheat, or wheat by products, will also contain unwanted chemicals necessary for the GMO process.  I’m simply not a fan of those kinds of limited choices. Thus having my own supply of wheat is a must for me and my household.   Just some “food for thought” folks.

Solar Oven Source–Finally

Hey Folks. Several months ago I was waiting for a solar oven business to finally post it’s site. They didn’t. Why? Because they were bought out by another company–Five Star Preparedness. So when I found that out, I made friends with Five Star. (It wasn’t really hard because they use the same executive virtual office that we do–mine! Hee hee) Anyway, I wanted to let you know that they ARE able to take solar oven orders now. All you have to do to find them is go online at They only offer one solar oven though, because there’s only ONE that is actually manufactured to handle “worst case scenario use”.  And the best part is,