Gidgets and Gadgets


GadgetsI have to admit, I love gadgets that make my life easier. I’m always on the lookout for preparedness type gadgets that will make my life easier even in a “survival mode.” I figure you might as well make use of the technological advances we have now to survive without traditional technology later. So here’s a list of some of my favorite “gadgets.” You can do an internet search to find any of these items.

If you think beans are gross, you're in for a surprise! Photo c/o

Beans 101

[caption id="attachment_3660" align="alignright" width="300" caption="If you think beans are gross, you're in for a surprise! Photo c/o"]If you think beans are gross, you're in for a surprise! Photo c/o[/caption]

Having beans in your pantry isn’t appealing to a lot of people. Mostly though it’s because the thought of eating them exclusively long-term causes them to prefer death. So allow me to fill you in on some of the basic information about cooking with beans, storing them, sprouting them, etc.

Believe it or not but beans can be a comfort food.

Financial Preparedness Part III-Wealth Management

The Ultimate Deception

wealth“Making something out of nothing” has often been the American Way to create wealth. We take a simple idea and turn it into a business, providing jobs, tax revenue and overall security. In this instance, creating something out of nothing is in line with the true act of Creation—organizing matter. But it’s important to know that there’s a constant enemy that attempts to portray makes something out of nothing. This particular act isn’t Creation though. It is nothing more than a


Financial Preparedness Part I

Conspiracy Abounds

conspiracyThere is a bumper sticker that I was indelibly impressed with when I was 13 years old. It said “Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after me.” I share that with you today because people seem to have a heightened sensitivity to the word “conspiracy.” Any time they hear something that sounds like it is a conspiracy, they dismiss it. Well folks, “Just because it’s a conspiracy, doesn’t mean it isn’t real.” You may not like the word or meaning of the word conspiracy, but it doesn’t mean that it isn’t upon us. Frankly, it hasn’t left us since Cain killed Abel. (Even earlier than that if you want to delve deeper.)

Tornado Warnings for Us All

tornadoWhile I was teaching classes in Vegas this weekend, I had a gal come up to me and share some of her personal stories. One of which was about her daughter who lives in “tornado territory.” The woman shared with me that she was happy her daughter had finally started being mindful about being better prepared. She says that her daughter realized how often they hear tornado warnings and decided to “get on the stick.” The thought that came to my mind after hearing her story was how we ALL have tornado warnings going off all of the time. It’s my hope that we’ll learn to

Easy Recipe Day

Today I’ve been doing a lot of research on future articles while my stomach grumbled—I’m ignoring it for now. But for some reason I’ve been fantasizing about all kinds of quick meals that I wanted to make tonight for dinner. And if it’s a quick, nutritious meal, then it’s bound to have a pressure cooker involved (at least in my house). So I realized that I could share some of these recipes with you. The first two are made in a pressure cooker, the other two are made simply in regular pans. They are recipes that I would make from my pantry for the most part. So I hope you enjoy them.

Sprouting Sense

Want to ensure that your vegetables are tasty, nutritious, and void of pesticides and other chemicals? Well, the simple answer is to grow your own. Yes, you can do it—even if you live in a 500 square foot apartment in Upper Manhattan. It’s called sprouting. And I can assure you it’s not just a hobby for hippies. *grin*

[caption id="attachment_3550" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Alfalfa Sprouts"]Alfalfa Sprouts[/caption]

You can sprout any whole grain, seed, legume or nut—so long as


Stores of Self-Reliance

Recall!2007 and 2008 were the two biggest years in history for food recalls. Meat, peanut butter, tomatoes, lettuce, spinach and even dog food were among the few that were deemed dangerous or downright deadly for consumption. In my view, this is just another reason for the case in favor of having a year’s supply of food and water provisions.

When our country was made up largely of farmers, it was not unheard of for