“What If…?” RFID: A Case for Financial Preparedness

In Revelations chapter 13 verses 16 and 17 it says:

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

RFIDWhile there has been much speculation as to whether or not this prophecy of the last days has already come to pass with the use of UPC codes, I believe all prophecies will be fulfilled quite literally as they have so many times thus far. I recently found myself exploring a question in consideration of this prophesy as well as the substantial information available about the reality of RFID chips

The Timing of an EMP Strike

Author’s Note: Before reading this article, I want to be perfectly clear that my objective is not to “freak you out.” Mental Preparedness comes more readily when we allow ourselves to mentally picture scenarios and then allow our brain to strategically work on solving the anticipated problems. I hope this article does that for you today.

EMPThere’s no such thing as an opportune time for a trial, right? As such, it’s a bit naïve of us to think that if an EMP strike does hit, it will conveniently

Do You Believe in an EMP?

EMP“Do you believe in an EMP?” questioned an older woman in one of my classes this weekend. Until she asked me this question, I suppose I never considered whether or not an EMP was to be “believed in” or not. None of my readers will be shocked to hear that I responded “Of course I believe in EMPs.” My follow-up question to her should have been “What’s not to believe?”

The Parable of the Black Slip

Nearly three years ago I was getting settled in to a Nashville hotel after a long flight. I had a LOT of work to do that night to get ready for a large class I was teaching the next day. I was exhausted mentally and physically from the early morning, layovers and in anticipation of the late night that I knew I still had ahead of me. My assistant and I decided that we’d get unpacked, change our clothes, and then meet up in about an hour.

Vital Bread Making Tips

breadWhile the topic may sound a bit “ho hum” I assure you that if you’ve ever made bread—successfully or not—you will benefit from this these vital bread making tips.

Last night I took a little “me time” and attended a bread making class. I love to see how other folks do things and I always hope to learn something to “sharpen my saw” along the way as well.

Rural or Urban Preparedness Part III

Yesterday I addressed aspects of urban/suburban preparedness when you MUST stay where you are and make the best of things. However, ideally, a principle that I always share with urban dwellers is to prepare yourself in such a way that you can get out quickly with all of your necessary goods and provisions should things go south. Why? Because the urban area will indeed be the most volatile area you can be in a time of distress. There will be more looting, violence, crime and gangs simply because of the opportunity such a dense population will present. I addressed several of the liabilities of being in a densely populated in yesterday’s article.

Rural or Urban Preparedness Part II

The message I wanted to convey yesterday In Rural or Urban Preparedness Part I is to get into preparedness regardless of where you live. It’s preparednessunrealistic to think that we can all live out in a rural environment and only by doing so will we be safe and secure. To promote such an idea would indeed be fear mongering. However, if you live in a more populated area, these are some things you must take into consideration in your preparedness efforts in order to ensure your safety and survival.

Photo c/o scripturereader.blogspot.com

Rural or Urban Preparedness Part I

Today I’m going to address another issue in the world of preparedness that tends to be quite controversial. This is the matter of where one should live in order to be better prepared. Addressing this issue properly will require more than one article as there are many components to consider. But for today, let’s start with the most obvious one. Can you only be prepared if you live out in a rural area?

[caption id="attachment_3737" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Photo c/o scripturereader.blogspot.com"]Photo c/o scripturereader.blogspot.com[/caption]

For starters, allow me to answer the question based on the strongest fundamental

My Gratitude for Preparedness

PreparednessIn the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought I would still write an article today addressing a few of the things I’m grateful for, specifically as they relate to the world of preparedness. Here are just a few. I hope you don’t mind my sentimental indulgence for one day. I’m grateful that I’ve been taught