Brain Freeze-Panic Explained

by Kellene

[caption id="attachment_4619" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Panic can make your brain freeze"]panic[/caption]

Panic situations, as the brain interprets them, assault us regularly.  When I say “panic” I don’t necessarily mean being attacked in a crime. It could be a matter of having 3 different choices thrown at you all at the same time. You stop. Feel a bit panicky and wait while your brain makes a decision.

The other day I was at the grocery store.  As I was taking off my seat belt I saw an elderly man just outside of the store crumble and fall to the pavement.  I swear it happened in slow motion (more on that phenomenon at a later date).  I am sure that I stopped for a second.

Just Breathe

by Kellene

[caption id="attachment_4608" align="alignleft" width="285" caption="Fear? Stress? Breathe."]breathe[/caption]

Fact: Most people, when exposed to a threatening, frightful scenario, will inhale and then hold it; when what they really should do is just breathe.

Have you ever heard some sudden disturbing news?  What do you hear next? Inward gasps, right?

Take target shooting for example.

Ignorance and Panic is Costly

by Kellene

[caption id="attachment_4602" align="alignright" width="233" caption="Preparedness should have nothing to do with panic, dread, gloom, or doom"]panic[/caption]

As I shared in yesterday’s article, our preparedness articles should have nothing to do with panic, dread, gloom, or doom.  Even though some may consider the Book of Revelations a bit “dark” it’s actually not if you read it in its full context. While it does outline what is going to happen it’s also emphatic in reminding the reader that this is what’s going to happen, but you can still avoid the anguish and desperation by being prepared and trusting in the Lord.  Knowing this aspect about preparedness is why I have a huge problem with “emergency preparedness” companies that manipulate and take advantage of people’s misunderstanding of what preparedness is.  These companies literally prey on the lack of knowledge and preparedness and confidence in what they sell.

I Was Wrong about Preparedness

by Kellene

[caption id="attachment_4584" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="What? The Preparedness Pro is wrong?"]preparedness[/caption]

“Oh my. What was she wrong about?  Was it how she preserves eggs with mineral oil and without refrigeration?  Was it how she dares to store water on the concrete in her basement? Ooh. Maybe it’s that she uses Diatomaceous Earth in her whole grains.”  Nope. I’m 100% confident that I’m correct in all of those teachings.  However, I have been wrong about a critical aspect of preparedness in the past, and I’d like to correct it today.

The Vitality of Salt

by Kellene

[caption id="attachment_4575" align="alignleft" width="292" caption="Salt, the base of society"]salt[/caption]

Throughout the world’s history salt has been taxed exorbitantly, wars have been fought for control of salt, and it has been used as a medium of exchange EQUAL to gold. Dare we ignore something that so valuable it even overshadows the Texas oil industry? In fact, in desert areas all over the world, the people are well aware of it lifesaving value.  In such environments, wars are likely to break out over salt mining rights just as easily as gold or oil.

Hydration-Water Preparedness

by Kellene

[caption id="attachment_4558" align="alignright" width="210" caption="Hydration is more important than you realize"]water[/caption]

When I mention water to folks as being a part of preparedness, I usually get a response that reveals they are thinking solely of storing water for the purposes of drinking, cooking, and sanitation. But what many people do not realize is vital role that consuming water today plays into your Water Preparedness.

Preparing A Community

by Kellene

communityThe fact of the matter is, no law enforcement, government, or rescuer group can prepare a community. It all starts with you—the true first responders.

Just in the last 5 years alone, nearly a billion dollars has been spent throughout our nation upgrading and retrofitting buildings and structures so that previous disasters are not repeated.  And yet not a single dime is being spent on preparing the people in order to avoid defeating responses to disasters.

Depression 101

by Kellene

[caption id="attachment_4467" align="alignright" width="300"] Depression can take hold of anyone.[/caption]

I’ve decided to be very forthright and open in today’s article in hopes that it truly does help someone else who is struggling with depression.  I often hear people say “I don’t know how you do all that you do.”  I smile and thank them for their gracious compliment, but the truth of it is, I do what I do while being challenged by a significant obstacle—depression.

I realize that in this kind of forum I’m only going to be able to scratch the surface on this topic, but I firmly believe that it has not been appropriately addressed in real-life terms, and is an especially absent topic in the arena of preparedness.

Sit. Stay. Safety. Dog Preparedness

by Kellene

[caption id="attachment_4432" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Sinta and Me"]dog[/caption]

Here’s the problem; in the event of an unexpected challenge—whether it be a natural disaster or a mugging on your way home, one of your greatest weaknesses could be one of your greatest loves—your dog.

I admit it. I absolutely love my two dogs. In spite of thinking I was more of a “cat person,” I’ve truly come to absolutely adore my two girls. I miss them when I’m gone for long periods of time, I talk to them, and I bring them up in group discussions about people’s “children.” Yup. I’m one of those devoted dorks who dresses up my pups in Ohio State Buckeye attire during the Rose Bowl. I’ve been known to dress them in sassy dresses, hats, coats, etc.