Excuse Me. Is This Your Worm?

Can you imagine walking along the shores of a fresh water lake, seeing some fossilized algae and saying to yourself, “Hmmmm. I think I’m going to try and eat this?”  Or worse, how about someone who notices that this fossilized algae kills insects and then decides to eat it?  Crazy, huh?  I don’t know how things like Diatomaceous Earth ever get discovered, but I sure am glad they do.

[caption id="attachment_4846" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Diatomaceous Earth--a microscopic view. photo c/o www.holocaust-history.org"][/caption]

With Diatomaceous earth, you have one of the most wonderful natural remedies for removing all kinds of toxins in your body AND a highly effective remedy at eliminating pesky bugs from your home, garden, and stored grains.  Allow me to take you into the world of Diatomaceous earth today.

The Urgent Call for Preparedness–Today

by Kellene

PreparednessThere were two news pieces this week that reiterated the need for independence from the vulnerabilities that we willingly attach ourselves to.  Keep in mind that to me, preparedness has a great deal to do with independence. Independence from what Wall Street does. Independence from the mistakes of the food manufacturers. Independence from being subjected to a “trend” in medicine that’s short-lived.  I firmly believe that the more independent I am, exclusive of influences that I have no power to check and double check, the healthier, safer, and more peaceful I will be.

The Necessity of Toilet Paper

by Kellene [caption id="attachment_4713" align="alignright" width="254" caption="Do you have enough toilet paper in your storage?"]toilet paper[/caption] Yesterday I came across an “emergency preparedness blog” that was alarmingly incorrect. It was a basic topic, but it was addressed in a very misguided manner. The author wrote about what she plans to use in an emergency for her toilet hygiene—rags instead of toilet paper. So as not to risk educating anyone incorrectly, rather than providing a link to the article I will instead provide a few summations of the article which she posted on this national “preppers” site.

Preparedness: Five Ways to Better Convince Your Loved Ones

by Kellene

[caption id="attachment_4701" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="What elephant?"][/caption]

You worry and fret over your loved ones who have taken no efforts to properly be self-sufficient; whose preparedness efforts are nil. I have seen that kind of stress and even heartache far too often in preparedness. It almost feels like a 900 pound elephant in the middle of the room when one spouse is committed to preparedness but the other is adamantly against it.  I have a couple of dear friends who actually “sneak” money out of their monthly budget to purchase preparedness goods.  I have to giggle a bit when I hear that, but on the other hand I’m not sure financial infidelity is the right way to go either.  I’ve also heard of parents purchasing all of their kid’s preparedness supplies for Christmas only to be faced with

A Wake-up Call for Snooze Button Junkies

by Kellene

[caption id="attachment_4694" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="This is your wakeup call"]snooze[/caption]

First of all, I should provide a disclaimer to everyone reading this article.  I feel like a bit of a hypocrite using this analogy because I really am NOT a morning person.  After reading, researching, or writing until 2:00 a.m. most nights, there is very little that gets me up before 8:30 in the morning—serious.  So, please overlook that weakness of mine and get as much as you can from the article otherwise. *grin*


Ah. The snooze button.

Food Manufacturing Villains

by Kellene

[caption id="attachment_4677" align="alignleft" width="187" caption="Bribes Let Tomato Vendor Sell Tainted Food"]food[/caption]

When I read articles like these,

Bribes Let Tomato Vendor Sell Tainted Food

I am reminded exactly why it is that I believe in having a well-stocked pantry that has long shelf-life.  I am also reminded as to why I do not invest heavily in canned goods if I can get away with it. That doesn’t mean that I don’t indulge in canned goods. They certainly have their place, but I definitely have reliable, clean, and safe substitutes on hand specifically to guard myself from the corruption, greed, deviant ethics, and just plain incompetence that plagues our food industry.   It doesn’t take a famine or heavy rains to give us cause to be more independent in our own food supplies.  There is plenty of cause every single day.

Wheat Meat Success

by Kellene

[caption id="attachment_4670" align="alignleft" width="196" caption="The Wonderful World of Wheat"]wheat meat[/caption]

My dear readers: Over this last year I have come to feel like so many of you are my long-distance pen pals—my good friends. So as such, I’m totally behaving like a “girlfriend” today in sharing with you what I did last night. I was so pleased with how class turned out that I just couldn’t wait until “later” to tell you all about it.  I’m quite certain that if you try out this process and the accompanying recipe that you will LOVE the results as well—and be a bit surprised with how great it is too.

So last night I was teaching my Wonderful World of Wheat class.