Preparedness Pro in Your Kitchen

by Kellene

[caption id="attachment_5006" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Solar Oven Chicken. Yum"][/caption]

As all of our regular readers know, I LOVE to cook!  You may also know that I fully expect to love to cook even in the midst of a full day, camping out, or in the event the power company experiences a breakdown. Yup. The last thing I fear about an apocalyptic event is eating garbage. But I realize that many of you don’t feel quite so enthusiastic about preparing your favorite dishes under challenging circumstances.  So, I’d like to help you out.  What I’d like to do is help you adapt your favorite dishes to more Everyday Preparedness methods.

Hard Core Financial Preparedness—Part III

by Kellene The Red Dragon of Debt [caption id="attachment_4986" align="alignright" width="218" caption="A Few Good Men "You Can't Handle The Truth" photo c/o"][/caption] As I write today’s article, I keep hearing this familiar voice in the back of my mind. It’s the voice of Jack Nicholson as his character yells indignantly to Tom Cruise’s character in “A Few Good Men.” With blood vessels bulging around his neck and his face turning red, Nicholson’s character convincing hollers “You can’t handle the truth!” to those present in the courtroom setting. This character delivers this line with the utmost of belief that the general population of our nation simply cannot or do not care to understand what goes on around them in spite of the fact that it critically affects their everyday living.

Hard Core Financial Preparedness—Part II

The Crisis of Uberland

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In our last article, I endeavored to demonstrate to you the reality that desperation plays into our international world of finance. It distorts rational thinking and actions.   Today, I’m going to step away from that aspect and put currency in its proper perspective.  Understand that I’m writing these pieces in a methodical order in an effort to give you the best education of these vital money matters.  I have always felt that you can’t bust yourself out of prison if you don’t even know you’re in one.  So read today’s article for what it is on its own and then I’ll tie these all up for you in a subsequent article in this series.

Hard-Core Financial Preparedness—Part 1

Desperation Reigns Supreme

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Many years ago I frequently rubbed elbows with the hard-money world of commercial lending.  As an expert educator in the world of commercial finance, I simply could not have a functioning knowledge of the industry without being exposed to what was known as “hard-money lending.”  Hard-money loans typically come with some steep prices.  The first fee one would usually have to pay is an “application fee.” This particular fee is

Prologue to Hard-Core Financial Preparedness

[caption id="attachment_4924" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Many people have lost their homes due to sub-prime mortgages photo c/o"][/caption] Question for you. If you could have predicted the sub-prime mortgage crash and had been able to be better prepared for the consequences, would you have taken any action to do so?  The preparedness could have been in the form of buying stocks/insurance to hedge against the crisis, or it could have been paying off debts in a alternative strategy, etc.  The point is, being forewarned of any serious financial disaster is critical, right?  Well, at the risk of sounding a bit “gloom and doom” I’m sharing with you briefly that over the next two days I’m

Food Preparedness—the Center of Joy

At the age of 6, I was doing dishes and cooking meals on my own.  Yes, looking at my young nieces and nephews now, I agree that 6 years old is quite young to be doing such tasks, but I didn’t feel like a kid at that age. Mom was a single mother of three at that time and so we all had to pitch in and I can honestly say that today, I’m so grateful that she did.

[caption id="attachment_4908" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Children cooking photo c/o"][/caption]

I’ll never forget the first thing I ever cooked—Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.  I was looking forward to surprising Mom when she came downstairs.

Everyday Freedom Preparedness

[caption id="attachment_4914" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Mental Preparedness is important so you can face emergencies and stress photo c/o"][/caption]

Some time ago I was giving a class on the area of Mental Preparedness. Just as a reminder, the area of Mental Preparedness is about the acquisition of knowledge, mental fortitude to do what you’ve got to do to keep your family safe and secure, as well as the pursuit of honing your knowledge into skills. One of the things that I regularly teach about is the reconstruction of our nation if such an instance ever becomes necessary.

Preparedness on a Budget

by Kellene

[caption id="attachment_4883" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Filling your preparedness pantry doesn't have to cost a bucket load of money. photo c/o"][/caption]

While perusing advertisements for “emergency preparedness” supplies, I saw some pretty hefty price tags just for a year’s worth of food. This doesn’t count the bucket loads of money that one could spend on other gadgets like a solar oven, pressure cooker, first aid supplies, etc. So, let’s get real.  What can a person with only a few hundred bucks a year do to increase their state of preparedness?  Well, here are a few of my suggestions.