Preparedness Pro In Your Kitchen

Chocolate Buttermilk Pudding

This is one of those recipes that is so easy, yet so memorable for those who you share it with. It’s also definitely a comfort food for me! Don’t be put off by the “chilling” or the “cool whip” ingredients in the recipe as the chilling isn’t absolutely necessary and the cool whip can easily be substituted with Spiff-E-Whip.


What’s Your “Why”?

A Preparedness Pro reader whom I’ve become friends with, recently wrote me to tell me that she and her husband have bit the bullet and moved out of the city into a more rural setting.  Why in the world would she do this when it requires a whole lot of work, fixing up a property, and a significantly longer commute?  It has to do with her “WHY.”

Several months ago I was teaching a class on the Ten Principles of Preparedness. Just before we got started, a mother and father entered

Coconut Oil Fact and Fiction

by Kellene You may be too young to know this, but a long time ago, coconut oil (and some palm oils) was in virtually everything you ate.  Your French fries were cooked in it, your mayonnaise was made with it, and it was used in many of your processed foods as well.  So what changed? How did coconut oil fall from grace in the food industry? Well, like most instances such as this, the secret behind this switch has to do with money, power, and greed.

Self-Employment Equals Independence—Part V

“Profit is not about what you make, it’s about what you keep.”

Author’s Note: Before I finish this particular series, I want to emphatically remind everyone that there is only 1 week left for you to increase your chances for winning one of SIXTY-FIVE prizes we have  for the $1,500 Preparedness Pro Giveaway!  To enter, all you need to do is comment on our blog or our Facebook page, register for upcoming webinars, or send us an e-mail that tells us what you think about Preparedness Pro. It’s that easy one folks. And you can enter to win as many times as you want to increase your chances of having your name drawn! We’ve got plenty of prizes, so have at it!

Self-Employment Equals Independence—Part IV

“Learning to Say Yes, and No”

When I say that self-employment equals independence, I’m referring to an independence which applies to many areas of our lives. Self-employment is not only “job security”, but it also gives you the time to be with your family, to determine who you will or won’t work with, etc. I know there are a lot of self-employed individuals who may take exception to this assertion, but I’m 100% positive that I’m correct in this regard. I suspect that those who are slaves to their self-employment have simply established their customers’ expectations in such a manner in which they are slaves to the customers more than they want to be.  To help you maximize your independence in your self-employment choice, I suggest that you start out right. To do so, consider the following suggestions when determining what self-employment path you are willing to take. I’ll save the “how to do what you want, when you want, at the price you want” for another article in the future. So today, we’re going to give you the list of considerations, and then tomorrow we’re going to finish this series with the direct financial benefits that self-employed persons can enjoy.

Preparedness Pro In Your Kitchen

Today’s recipe comes from one of my favorite regular dishes.  It’s hearty, pleasing to the eye, and one of the simplest ones to make from long-term pantry items.  This recipe is a very, very simple “Open, dump, and mix” one.

Note that I do store the Uncle Ben’s Wild Rice in its original box in a bucket with an oxygen absorber in order to ensure that it gives me the maximum amount of shelf-life.

Self-Employed Equals Independence—Part III

Oh, the choices we make…

Today we continue in our Self-Employment Equals Independence series by addressing what types of criteria one should consider when electing to add a facet of self-employment to their life.

First of all, allow me to reiterate that I understand that it isn’t realistic for someone to just instantly switch from working for someone else to working for themselves.  To such persons I would implore that they at least commit to adding a facet of self-employment to their life.  Add a way

Self-Employment Equals Independence Part II

If you can’t trust yourself, who can you trust? The unemployment reports you’ve been hearing are just plain wrong—for so many reasons—but specifically they are wrong because some persons are beginning to discover that being employed by another is a risky business nowadays. As such, they are taking measures into their own hands and choosing to become self-employed.  Even more important is that some courageous souls are leaving their present jobs in exchange for self-employment. Why? Because they are wise enough to recognize the value in the Law of the Harvest, and have made determinations on who they can really trust.

Self-Employment Equals Independence

by Kellene

Why I Refuse to Have Anything to do With Oprah

This is a multi-part series that will specifically address the aspect of self-employment and why it’s critical to our independence—even if only pursued on a minor level. I will also be sharing information on how to make a self-employment status more profitable and how to better manage the taxation thereof as well.

Preparedness Pro in Your Kitchen

Chocolate Raspberry Mousse and American Lasagna

I know. I know. I’ve slacked a bit with the Friday recipes.  So I’m going to give you two of my favorite standards today and hope that you’ll forgive me.  Since the first one is chocolate and the second one is a quick and easy lasagna-like dish, I think I will have earned the forgiveness.