How to Hold a Successful Preparedness Fair

Tis the season for Preparedness Fairs cropping up in regions all over the U.S.  However, in nearly all instances, organizers express dismay that their event was not as well attended as they had hoped.  The fact of the matter is, unless you do a really great job marketing, the only folks who attend a Preparedness Fair are the folks who are already on board.  It’s easy for them to slough off the event as “just another same old, same old.” So, what’s a fair organizer to do?  I’ll tell you.

The Personal Impact of Rising Resin Prices

Perhaps when you listen to the news you hear “blah, blah, blah, resin price increases, blah, blah, blah.”  Well, after today, you may hear this bit of news a bit differently. This isn’t exactly something that you would expect to see in the mainstream news, but you will get the info here because it’s important to your ability to be aware and be prepared.

Charitable Couponing

When I’m teaching my coupon boot camp class, one of my rules of thumb is to only cut a coupon if you would purchase that item if it was free or cheap. Since I don’t have children or cats that has eliminated my need to mess with coupons that have anything to do with either of those categories. However, for nearly a year now, I’ve been ignoring that advice in some respects, and the results have felt wonderful.

CIA Supports Preparedness Pro’s Cautions

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, then you have figured out by now that I’m not one of the gloom and doomers. In fact, I try diligently to simply take a situation, examine it, and try to determine how I can best avoid an undesirable consequence and vulnerability to it simply by being better prepared. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times, “preparedness is about peace, not panic.”

The First Priority-Physical Preparedness

physicalSeveral years ago my mother and brother got back from grocery shopping. The car was packed full of items to bring in. Back and forth and back and forth they went from the car to the kitchen bringing in all of their goods. When they were all finished, my mother plopped herself on the couch, committed to not move another muscle. In an intentional melodramatic voice she then asked my brother if he would be willing to carry her into her room so she could go to bed.  My brother responded, “Ok, Mom. But I’ll have to make two trips.” (Mom suddenly had a burst of energy as she chased my brother around the house in an attempt to give him a good swat.)

Have you ever had one of those moments in which you were so wiped out that you didn’t even want to get up to go to the bathroom?  

Time Travel With Coupons

by Kellene

Today I’m going to share with you one of most powerful financial aspects of using coupons AND I’m also going to share with you a couponing tip that will make anyone who’s using coupons, ecstatic!

A couple of weeks ago I taught the first ever live broadcast of my Coupon Training Boot Camp (also known as “Enough and to Spare”).  We received great feedback from the attendees—some of who were even experienced couponers that simply got recharged. Frankly, I even got recharged as I was teaching one of the most powerful financial benefits of using coupons.  For those of you who are interested, you can now purchase my extended in-home program of Enough and to Spare)

The Battle of Bottled Butter Continues

by Kellene

As crazy as it sound, I periodically engage in debates with another person or a cause privately in my mind. Ok. Yes, sometimes I do say things out loud just to see how they sound.  It’s how I formulate an articulate and sound argument on a particular issue.  I think I started it as a teenager when I plotted how I was going to rationally get away with pushing the envelope with my mother’s rules.  So, today, I am going to let you in on an argument that I’ve been having with myself and the imaginary USDA persons who believe that bottled butter is bad due to potential botulism poisoning.  I still hear so many of the concerns caused by the fictional USDA warnings about bottling butter. And I think it’s ridiculous—as is clearly noted in my previous article. So hear it goes folks…

Jam or Syrup in a Jiffy

  • 1 cup of your favorite freeze -dried raspberries, strawberries or blueberries (mangoes, pineapple, etc.)
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 2 T.  UltraMaxigel
  • Water (about 1 cup+)

Blend all ingredients well with a high speed mixer or blender.  Add enough water to create the consistency you prefer. You may add more water for a syrup consistency as well.

Rocket Stoves

by Kellene

Today’s article is brought to us by one of my favorites in the world of practical preparedness, Wendy Dewitt. I am posting her tutorial information on rocket stoves with her permission.

Admittedly, I haven’t jumped on the rocket stove band wagon primarily because I really do have plenty of options already. I have the butane stove that I use with my pressure cooker.  I have charcoals and a three-tiered Dutch oven cooking system.