Officials More Forthright About the State of the Economy?

I have to admit that when I read today’s comments about the state of the economy by Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke, I was shocked that the article would be so truthful.  Yes, finally a news article that was based on facts rather than political agenda.

The article today actually admits that the Federal Reserve will have to “print money” in order to purchase Treasury Bonds from the U.S. as well as conceding that such an act would cause an even greater strain on the tanking value of the dollar.


Good News—Tough Times Ahead!

newsI’m not sure why, but I actually got a bit excited at the announcement I heard from two elderly ladies in church last Sunday. Having not escaped the decades of wear and tear, her wrinkled skin, grey hair, and a weakened posture didn’t seem to be damper her childlike excitement as she announced that she and her 86 year-old mother were there “just visiting her granddaughter in hopes to be there for the birth of her first great-grandchild and great-great-grandchild respectively.” Anxious to be there and perhaps even snag a five generation photo, their excitement was contagious to the rest of us. You heard a low roar of excitement in the room from the crowd of enthusiastic supporters of the good news. Then it hit me…

“Good news.”


Foreclosure Crisis—Part II

Today’s article is part 2 of the article which was posted yesterday:

The Foreclosure Crisis and What It Means to You.”

ForeclosureSo to recap: Mortgage terms are approved for so long (15, 30, or even 40  years) because they are assets on the banks’ books—assets which give them the power to lend eight times the amount of that asset. Yes, this means that the mortgage companies are making money on air—nothing new if you’ve been reading my previous articles on Financial Preparedness


The Foreclosure Crisis and What It Means to You—Part I

ForeclosureOk Folks. Sorry, but it’s that time again. Yes, I’m going to address another component of Financial Preparedness today. For those who feel that the topic of Financial Preparedness is about a dry as a bag of 100 year old beans, I apologize. I truly do try to restrain myself so that you aren’t too bored. But in the case of today’s article, there was simply too much that was too obvious (and somewhat alarming) to me, that I couldn’t hold back from trying to educate on this one.

Permission to Be Lazy With Your Water Storage—Sort of

Last night I attended a fascinating medical lecture. The speaker certainly knew his stuff on how to use nutrition and oxygen and plant botanicals to heal the human body. You could tell that he wasn’t some newcomer to the scene of health and science. His 15 years of lecturing came through beautifully. I certainly  know that my health will be better for  having attended.  He also did an amazing job in better illustrating for me about the ills of canola oil and other vegetable oils, synthetics in our food, etc. Anyway, for some reason he was asked a question from the audience about water storage. What the audience member thought that had to do with his topic was beyond me, but he went ahead and took time to give her his opinion about water storage—the only problem was he was just a tad off.

Don’t Walk—RUN!

Today’s articles is going to be just like what I would say if you were one of my friends that I happened to come across today. So when you read this, picture my eyes getting really big and my voice getting louder and louder with enthusiasm. Ok. Ready? Here goes…

The Sprouting Solution

In 1985, a group of agricultural scientists set out to evaluate the mineral content of primary farmers in the U.S.  The first stop was the Jolly Green Giant Farms in the San Joachim Valley in CA.  To their horror, the researchers found NO calcium or iron content in the soil of this prominent produce supplier.

Fast forwarding to today, the results certainly aren’t any better. In fact, they are worse. How do you go from “zero content” to worse you might ask? Well, instead of having no valuable minerals in the soil, you have pesticides and other chemical poisons.  I’d say that’s worse, wouldn’t you?

Birch Essential Oil

Essential OilWhen it comes to properly using essential oils, I really like to study them so that I can act quickly and/or confidently in my goal of medical independence.  While most persons are familiar with lavender, lemon, and tea tree oil, I find that birch essential oil is frequently one of my favored selections.