A Prelude to the Financial Collapse
Because of the serious nature of this article and the consternation it may cause some of you, please allow me to say first and foremost that I still believe solely in PEACEFUL preparedness. In spite of what I’m sharing with you today, I want you to know that I am actually more full of peace than ever before because of where I stand spiritually, mentally, physically, medically, etc. in my efforts of self-reliance. I reiterate to all of you who will read this article today that no matter what the external circumstances of your life are right now, no matter what you see paraded through the news, I KNOW without a shadow of doubt that it is STILL possible for you to take action which will create more peace than fear in the midst of these trying circumstances. This is not just some cutesy little word manipulation, folks. It’s 100% real. Thriving is still a realistic option for you and your family if you will move forward in pursuit of peaceful independence, not panic. With that being said, let’s talk about what’s really going on with the S & P downgrade of the U.S.’s credit rating and what counter-moves you need to take in order to ensure peace and comfort in your family.
Preparedness Pro Weekly Update–It’s About Time, Right?
Whew! Lot’s of catching up to do. I don’t think I’ve ever had a July this full in my adult life, but full and fulfilling it was. I hope you all are having a great summer too!
For starters, I wanted to bring to your attention the last couple of episodes of Preparedness Pro Radio Show. Last week I had Jim Kinnard on, the president and founder of Food For Everyone.org. His organization teaches the Mittleider Gardening method which I came across after doing tons of research on gardening. I wish this method of gardening was taught in every high school in the U.S.!
Cooking Rice or Pasta with Little to No Water
Many of the meals in the U.S. rely on the delicious addition of pasta or rice to soak up all of the great meat juices or gourmet sauces. Pasta is a great filler for a meal, is loved as a comfort food for many, and is a significant part of the recommend 350 pounds of grains, per person per year that self-reliant persons have on hand for their family. The problem, though, is that the preparation of pasta usually requires a significant amount of water and fuel to make properly. While few of us would ever consider this thought when cooking among running water and on the modern appliances we enjoy in our kitchen, this fact presents a challenge if we are ever in need of making some drastic modifications in these cooking and eating habits in the future.
Are You Part of The Problem?
Do you get frustrated at times with people you care about looking at you like you’re a couple slices short of a loaf? Would you like to be more successful in helping your fellowmen become more self-reliant? Then read on with an open mind and heart because I’ve got some “tough love” to pass on to you; but I do so knowing that if you take to heart my suggestions two great consequences will come about 1) You’ll become more sure and competent in your own preparedness efforts, thus providing you with a greater abundance of peace and 2) You’ll fare much better in convincing others to step up their self-reliance efforts. Surely no one would turn away such perks, would they?
Surviving a Natural Disaster Begins Today
This article isn’t about surviving the impossible. Obviously, if an earthquake comes along and swallows your entire family and home while you’re sleeping, no amount of tangible preparedness will do you much good under those circumstances (although being able to tell your Creator that you at least heeded His warning while you were alive is bound to earn you some brownie points where it counts). Rather this article is about being better prepared for that time when you DO survive the impossible because sometimes surviving can feel like a punishment when you’re left with absolutely nothing. So, what can you do TODAY to ensure your well-being and safety later?
Preparedness Pro Weekly Update
On the radio show this past Saturday we did a “Best of” replay as it was my 12 year wedding anniversary so I took some time off.However, I don’t believe that I ever provided you folks with the link for the show prior to that one which was on the topic of hoarding. In this particular show I discussed the realities of so-called anti-hoarding laws, highlighted your rights and freedoms in this regard, and I also shared with you some ways that you can be more careful in keeping your preparedness information more private. Every once in a while I do a show in which I feel really good about it after I’m finished. This was one of those kinds of shows so I hope that you’ll take the time to listen to it. Here’s the link. Hoarding: PP blog radio show
The Truth and Honor of Preparedness
(Author’s note, this is a previously published article from our “Best of Collection” with a few modifications to reflect the challenges of today.)
Preparedness is a full-time focus for me as opposed to a hobby or a trend. I live it, breathe it, and think about it constantly whether I”m working or playing. Obviously I teach and write about it regularly as well. I will also choose to use spare time to learn about how I can be better prepared by spending time reading a novel or non-fiction work that illustrates other possibilities for which I’m not yet prepared.
Why? Because I believe that preparedness is about honor.
The Guilt or Innocence of Bystanders
Some time ago I was greatly disturbed by an article which announced that a state judge ruled that New York Subway employees who stood by as mere spectators as as a young woman was gang-raped were innocent of any wrong doing. The judge stated that the workers had no obligation to help the girl regardless of the all of the safe options that such onlookers had to help the woman such as the telephone, walkie-talkies, or at least the intercom system.