Ten Principles of Preparedness: #4 Medical

 This past month brought news of a shortage in ADD/ADHD medicine, vaccinations, and even the not-so-lovely news of pharmaceutical drug prices hitting a 10 year high—news that only heavy stockholders would care about. For the rest of us, I hope that this is just nudging us more strongly to quicken our  pace in getting off of any non-emergency dependence on the medical society. (Attention naysayers: I said NON-EMERGENCY; which is a nowhere near  being the same as eliminating dependency on the medical society all together.) (more…)

All-Natural Defenses Against Radiation Poisoning

Hey Folks. Rather than write a big, honkin’ article on this, I elected to simply post the radio show I did Wednesday night that covers it in-depth. Earlier this week I felt that it was appropriate to begin counter-move measures against radiation poisoning. For some of you who are simply limited to a range of iodide/iodade/iodine pills, that may sound a bit radical. However, if you utilize natural remedies, then you don’t need to be concerned about what such option will do against your health, rather what such options will do FOR your health.

The Necessity of Water Storage INSIDE Your Home

A couple of weekends ago I was visiting with a wonderful couple who live out in the middle of a gorgeous portion of what I call “God’s country.” Their house was up at the top of a hill with 20 acres and a beautiful, rolling stream nearby.  They were conscientious of many of the principles of preparedness—more so that most I get to visit with.  However, when I asked about their Water Preparedness, one of them said to me, “What do I need that for?” He knew he needed water, of course, but he saw no need to make room for any water storage inside his home when he had a beautiful natural source outside.  Unfortunately, as I began to share just a few of the reasons why this would be important, it was clear that I wasn’t going to be able to share anything new with him. He felt quite physically strong at the time, I’m sure, and perhaps even invincible to what might someday pollute the water outside his home, making his outside water unfit and even deadly to drink.

Breaking News: Meltdown taking place right now in one of the reactors in Japan

More info posted on our group site on Facebook folks.

Breaking news right now. Two nuclear safety commissions in Japan confirmed there is a meltdown taking place right now. How serious it is will depend on how firm the structure still is that’s containing the aria. Fuel rods are melting. This means there could be a huge mass of molten nuclear mess dumping into the water and then venting steam of highly radioactive material. Venting has been shut down at present in a hope to thwart the travel of radioactive material.

Powdered Milk 101

We’ve received a LOT of new readers lately and as such I’m hearing a lot of questions that are also covered in articles in the past. So today I thought I’d help someone find an article on the use and selection of powdered milk that I swore I had written at one time. But I gotta tell ya, I’m not all that impressed with the search features of Wordpress. I figure if I can’t even find the dern-blasted article, then how can I expect anyone else to. So, I’m going to provide some basic powdered milk 101 kind of information today that will hopefully answer a lot of questions.

Ten Principles of Preparedness: #3 Physical

Most times, when folks think about potential challenges such as an earthquake or a car breaking down in the middle of nowhere, they omit considering one of their greatest assets in dealing with such a scenario—their own physical strength. Personally, I believe that my biggest challenge in becoming more self-reliant is to be focused on what physical components of preparedness I will need in the future and be willing to pay the price for those today. That price may be in the form of daily exercise, eating right, learning how to ensure my physical surrounding is protected, and even educating my body to instinctively perform some life-saving actions. I realize it’s much easier to “check off” some of the other aspects of self-reliance, whereas, like the first two principles of Spiritual and Mental Preparedness, Physical Preparedness doesn’t have a destination, per se, rather it’s a constant consideration. I’m sad to say that it took me a while to realize, though, how I had foolishly disconnected from this important principle. (more…)

Food Shortage Series Part 4

Course Correction—I Was Wrong

You know you’re in for a bumpy ride when I start out my article saying “PLEASE DO NOT PANIC”, right? Well hang on. And keep your screams muffled in front of the children as well as the non-preparedness-believing spouse, OK? You don’t want to undo any traction you might have gained recently, right?