Bacon Heaven–Detailed Bacon Canning Tips and Tricks

Bacon, bacon, B-A-C-O-N! There are some foodies who consider bacon to be the Food of the God’s. While Paula Deen has her well-known belief of “you can never have enough butter” (and I do SO agree), there are many bacon fans out there that would rather have to listen to a Milli Vanilli Greatest Hits Marathon than do without their bacon. I think we’d encourage a lot more people to carry firearms if we were ever able to convince bacon lovers that zombies might take their precious salted pork someday. “Zombies after my bacon?! Now them’s fightin’ words!”

Preparedness Outreach Contest!!

The Preparedness Pro

Proudly Presents

“Preppers Outreach Contest”©

Entries Accepted March 12th – April 16th

Voting Officially Begins April 17th – April 26th (midnight)

PreparednessAre you ready for THE most EPIC contest in the preparedness community ever?! Not only is it chock-full of AWESOME prizes, but if you win one of 37 prizes, you’ll actually get to select which prize you win!  You can’t beat that! All of these great preparedness prizes are being offered to a super-duper winner and they are being offered by businesses that actually VALUE the kind of preparedness lifestyle that you’re trying to live, so this is a great opportunity for you to get to know them better. But even more importantly the Prepper Outreach Contest has the potential to benefit everyone around you to jump on board the “Preparedness Way of Life”—simply by you entering to win! Now that’s what I call a true WIN-WIN-WIN scenario!

Ready Preparedness Fans? Here We Go!

20 Signs That Dust Bowl Conditions Will Return

dust bowlSome of you may be completely  unaware of what is meant when the phrase “dust bowl” is used. As a quick tutorial, the dust bowl was a devastating time in the history of our nation in which we had burdensome drought conditions coupled by extreme high temperatures, destructive winds, and harsh erosion in the 1930’s. This onslaught of dust affected the majority of the nation in one way or another because this dust bowl weather pattern sorely taxed already struggling farmers as a result of economic breakdowns endured during this time as well. Dust bowl means that crops fail, cattle die, and farmers lose their land to banks because they are unable to keep up on their payments.  The harsh weather conditions lasted from 1933 to 1940. Rain finally came in 1941. During that time people moved from rural settings to suburban ones. You can imagine what kind of economic impact such devastation brought to the rest of the nation.

Why Be Subjected to Ridicule by Appearing on “Doomsday Preppers”?

By Guest Author, Dennis Evers

Doomsday PreppersNote from Kellene, The Preparedness Pro: If you saw my episode of “Doomsday Preppers” then you no doubt saw the segment which featured today’s guest author, Dennis Evers. I was SO impressed with how responsibly Dennis has raised his large family and how sane and normal they all looked. I even found myself envious that his daughter, Ricky, could weld with the best of them.
Dennis is a former police chief and has created one of the most often referred to resource guides among law enforcement, military, and big business personnel all over the world. He’s definitely a man with a plan–and one which he believes in so wholeheartedly, he’s successfully been able to pass it on to his 11 children and their children. But more important than that, Dennis is clearly one of the good guys that the Lord’s blessed this world with. So rather than you having to “listen” to me today, I thought I’d give you a dose of no-nonsense, good guy talk by Dennis Evers. Enjoy–I know I did.

water, faucet, clean water

Is There a Water Disaster Coming Your Way?

water, faucet, clean water




What could be so important that I just HAD to write about your water storage efforts again?  Is our water supply seriously threatened? Is there a water crisis coming to a city near you? Is the U.S. about to experience a disaster that will affect your access to water? Once again I find myself struggling to write a particular article—not because of the complexity of the topic, but because I don’t want to cause any alarm, just some proactive behavior. It’s my hope that once you’re finished reading this little diddy, you’ll understand why I stepped way outside of my typical modus operandi and decided to share this information—and the lack thereof—with you today about water.

Catching Up With The Preparedness Pro

This week, Kellene, The Preparedness Pro, was off jet-setting across the nation. So she had to e-mail in her update for us so that we didn’t all think she had been kidnapped by zombies. *grin*

Preparedness ProNot much time to write this week. I was whisked off to NYC to promote National Geographic’s, “Doomsday Preppers.” After a so-so experience on the Anderson Talk Show (Anderson Cooper), I decided I’d better adapt and execute a bit faster, more in line with the cut-throat NYC and felt much better about the Fox and Friends interview I did the next morning. Here’s the link to the Fox and Friends episode.