Time to Stock Up on Toilet Paper, Batteries, and More–CHEAP!

I have specific price points set for the various items I purchase including toilet paper and batteries. When a product reaches a particular price point, I stock up. Well, recently I was made aware that Amazon has a “Subscribe and Save” option on their website for some common items that I always toilet paperpurchase and includes free shipping. Even better, usually if there’s a coupon in circulation that I would normally be using in a physical store, Amazon has that coupon available on their site that is mine for the using, simply by clicking on it at the time of my order.

EVERYTHING You Wanted to Know On the “Federal Agent’s Raid on the LDS Cannery” Story

Holy cow! What a mess!!! Here’s a breakdown of the latest “drama” in the world of preparedness. I will forewarn you though; I have gone into great detail on the matter of whether or not the whole Federal Agents, Raid, Demand Customer List, LDS Cannery, Mormon Food Storage Facility” is true. Not only did I do some major “gum shoeing” on this story but I also share some baseline facts here that really should be considered before you make an opinion on this matter. Hopefully you’ll find this information helpful and by the end of it you can base your opinion and act in your best interests and that of your family’s preparedness efforts.

The OTHER Wheat

Just because you want to nutritional benefits of working with whole wheat flour doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice the light and fluffy texture that so pleases the palate. There are some fabulous options that you can enjoy with the different types of wheat that are available!

Why Did I Finally Give in to a Generator?

One of the first articles I ever posted on here was entitled “Why I Don’t Have a Generator”.   When it comes to enduring a serious life scenario in which food, money, and human decency may be scarce, the typical generator is not a friend. It makes too much noise, thus attracting unnecessary attention, most of them require fuel which is very difficult to store and use safely; they only run for a short period of time, they can easily be destroyed with a strong solar flare or an EMP, they are bulky, cumbersome, and require lots of room for storage, they are wicked expensive for what you get, and even the solar generator versions use a lead-based battery which is simply not suitable to endure a year of full charges and full power exhaustion everyday–plus they have that pesky problem of bulging or having a “memory problem” in which if you use it a little and charge it a little then it gradually loses its capacity to be fully charged and fully drained. Sounds like an awful lot of expense for so much hassle. 

Could You Endure Power Outage for 24 Hours?

A couple of weekends ago our neighborhood decided to do a little test run to help everyone better assess their level of preparedness. Since there have been several instances in our nation in which people have had to go without electricity for weeks at a time, the assignment was to go without power for a full 24 hours with the exception of our refrigerators. (Bunch of sissies. *grin*)

The Skinny on the Beef Market

A little over 2 months ago, I shared in one of our updates that I would recommend folks taking the opportunity to stock up on some key products, specifically dairy products which I felt were going to skyrocket due to a domino effect of compromised harvests, droughts, and tainted resources that were relied upon to meet demands.  In that update I went further to urge all of our readers to anticipate that meats would be increasing significantly as the ripple effect of these issues would soon be felt at the grocery checkout. At that time I suggested that we could soon be paying as much as $6-$8 per pound for ground beef!