Catching Up With Preparedness Pro

What’s Happening in the Preparedness Pro Calendar

PreparednessThis update highlights upcoming classes taught in Colorado Springs, a lifetime of FRESH nutrition for under $200, and a teaser of what’s next for The Preparedness Pro–Hollywood?? Just to name a few… Catching everyone up with the past 4 weeks feels a little more like trying to catch the jet plane from Salt Lake City after it’s already landed at JFK airport, but I’ll do my best because I’d feel awful if I looked back a few weeks from now and realized that I never shared a few important tidbits. So here we go…

I’m Coming to Your House

houseI have to say, this is my most hated and loathed 5 word sentence.  Anyone who has the temerity to take control of their future though, aka practices self-reliance, has heard these words, or a derivative thereof way too many times.

“When things get rough, I’m coming to YOUR house!” “Why do I need to prepare for anything? I’ll just go to my parents house?” “If the world comes to an end, I’ll just get my gun and find me a Mormon.”