Today, I’m making up for not writing about this some time ago.  I’m finally writing about how to make your own vinegar—because nothing says “I’m ready for anything” quite like a jar of fermented fruity goodness.

Why Make Your Own Vinegar? (Besides Impressing Your Grandma)

  1. It’s Alive! Unlike that science experiment in the back of your fridge, this one’s supposed to grow stuff.
  2. Waste Not, Want Not: Got some wine that’s past its prime or someone you know? (The wine is past its prime, not the person) Don’t cry – ferment!
  3. Clean Green: Who needs fancy cleaning products when you’ve got vinegar? It’s like having a superhero in a bottle, minus the cape. It has so many applications when it comes to cleaning including being great at cleaning glass.
  4. Pickling Partner: As a dedicated canner, you know vinegar is the pickle’s best friend.
  5. Salad Savior: Say goodbye to store-bought dressings and hello to “I made this myself” bragging rights.
  6. Health Tonic: Apple cider vinegar is like the Maestro of home remedies. Sore throat? Vinegar. Bad breath? Vinegar. Unicorn repellent? Probably vinegar.
  7. Garden Buddy: It turns out plants love vinegar, too. Use it to adjust soil pH or conversely you can use it as a weed killer. Take that, dandelions! (Though dandelions make great salads and tea)
  8. Money Saver: Why buy fancy vinegar when you can make it for pennies? Your wallet will thank you, even if it can’t actually speak.

Now, before we dive into the “how-to,” let me share a personal canning tip that’s saved my bacon (and my pickles) more times than I can count: Always, and I mean ALWAYS, wipe down the rims of your jars before sealing. It’s like flossing—seems annoying, but you’ll thank yourself later when you’re not dealing with lids that don’t seal.

So, let’s get fermenting!

What You’ll Need (AKA Your Vinegar Victory Kit):

  • A large, wide-mouthed glass or ceramic container (Got that? No, your kiddie pool doesn’t count)
  • Cheesecloth or a coffee filter (For keeping out uninvited guests like fruit flies)
  • Rubber bands (Pssst…look in the junk drawer.)
  • The base liquid (wine, cider, or fruit juice – dealer’s choice!)
  • Mother of vinegar (optional, but it’s like an accelerated starter pack for your vinegar journey)

Steps to Vinegar Victory:

  1. Choose Your Champion:
    • For wine vinegar: Use that bottle of red or white that’s been judging you from the shelf. Cooking wines will also work for this if you’re not one to imbibe even for cooking.
    • For apple cider vinegar: Hard cider or apple juice (store-bought or fresh-pressed if you’re feeling fancy)
    • For fruit vinegar: Any fruit juice will do (even prune juice, but let’s not go there).
  2. Prepare Your Vinegar Nursery:
    • Clean your container like you’re expecting a visit from your mother-in-law
    • Rinse and dry it.
  3. The Great Pour-In:
    • Fill your container about 3/4 full with your chosen liquid
    • If using mother of vinegar, add it now (about 1/4 cup per quart of liquid) You can purchase a mother of vinegar if you’d like.
    • Whisper words of encouragement if you feel so inclined
  4. Tuck It In:
    • Cover the container with cheesecloth or a coffee filter
    • Secure it with a rubber band
  5. The Waiting Game:
    • Find a warm, dark place for your vinegar-to-be (70-80°F is ideal)
    • Let it sit for 3-4 weeks (no peeking… okay, maybe a little peeking)
  6. Taste Test Time:
    • After 3-4 weeks, start tasting your vinegar
    • It’s ready when it makes your face do that cute scrunchy thing
  7. Strain and Bottle:
    • Once it’s vinegar-y enough, strain through cheesecloth
    • Bottle in clean containers (and don’t forget to wipe those rims to ensure your vinegar doesn’t get polluted!)
  8. Store Your Liquid Gold:
    • Keep in a cool, dark place
    • It will definitely last longer than your New Year’s resolutions

Remember, homemade vinegar is like a fine wine or a good cheese – it gets better with age. Unlike your Dad jokes, which… well, I like Dad jokes. But let’s just focus on the vinegar.

Now go forth and ferment! Your taste buds, cleaning cabinet, and garden will thank you. And who knows? You might just become the most popular person at the next prepper potluck. Vinegar cheers!

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