UNDERwhelmed in Food Preparedness Part 4 of 8

food-storage-shelvesHere’s one simple tip so you never have to worry about HOW to cook what’s in your food storage.

Many folks just plain don’t know how to cook with their food storage.  When I hear this, I ask people why they’re storing foods that are unfamiliar to them or their family?  Sure there are ideal lists which include long lasting grains and legumes, but if you’re not using such ingredients now to feed your family with, it’s not going to be helpful to them in an emergency.

UNDERwhelmed in Food Preparedness Part 2 of 8

Yes, You Can Afford It

[caption id="attachment_1151" align="alignright" width="235" caption="Photo c/o chathamjournal.com"]Photo c/o chathamjournal.com[/caption]

Let’s face it.  Watching your bags of groceries get smaller and smaller while the price goes up and up will overwhelm anyone–especially if you have food storage on the brain plus providing food for your family.  I don’t care how wealthy you are, paying more money for less groceries is upsetting, right?  Two nights ago I taught a class specifically to aid individuals in obtaining MORE groceries and other items for less.  To emphasize the message I created several dishes for the group of 40 people with serving sizes plenty for each person to try several tastes of each dish.  I made a dessert and two main dishes all for a total of $4.92.  I often tell people that