The Constituents of Essential Oils


Yes, I’ve been a bit absent lately. But I have a really good reason and perhaps you might even be happy with the fruits of what I’ve been working on. If you haven’t heard, I’m a big proponent of using essential oils for a myriad of health care and wellness needs. They are the oldest known forms of medicinal aid we have on record and they are still being used regularly by medical professionals in Europe and parts of Asia.  My problem though, while researching them for over a decade, was that I kept trying them and they didn’t work for me. Frankly, I had thought that I was just the exception to the rule and still foolishly purchased thousands of dollars of what I thought were the best quality oils at the time in hopes that they would help someone else, someday, when traditional medical care would not be available.

More Cheese Wax Controversy??

Over the weekend I received 2 postings on the cheese waxing topic. Both postings were strongly AGAINST someone waxing their own cheese. Unfortunately, I feel that this leads folks astray just as much as telling a person that there is no need to prepare. So I wanted to add some clarification and THEN post the main part of the body of the message these individuals posted.

Dragon Bites Dragonslayer

by Kellene

For the past 10 years I’ve been teaching others how to easily use a pressure cooker in their modern-day kitchens. It’s no secret that I absolutely LOVE mine and simply could not live with as much peace of mind without it.  Amidst my classes I frequently encounter persons who have horror stories of how the pressure cooker blew up in their grandmother’s kitchen spraying tomatoes all over the ceiling. I always assure them that such horror stories have a logical reason and need not be the norm. In fact, I believe that pressure cookers are very, very safe to use in the homes. Think of me as the Pressure Cooker Dragonslayer. *grin*  Pressure cookers are harmless—unless