UNDERwhelmed in Food Storage Part 3 of 8

Yes, You Can Find Space

We’ve all thought it.  “Where in the world would I put a years supply of food storage?!”  Unfortunately, such a question leads many to not even attempt to be prepared for an emergency.

[caption id="attachment_1162" align="alignright" width="203" caption="55 Gallon Water Barrels"]55 Gallon Water Barrels[/caption]

When it comes to having somewhere to put your emergency preparedness supplies, it usually boils down to priorities.  I know you don’t want to hear that, and I realize this isn’t ALWAYS the case.  But throughout my emergency preparedness consulting, I’ve always been able to find “more room” for emergency preparedness

The Magic Number 12





Friday before last I decided to throw a party at my home. I wanted it to be an enjoyable night for the girlfriends in my life, so I threw in some paraffin hand treatments and made tons of food from my food storage supplies.  We had 3 main dishes, 2 side dishes, an appetizer and 2 desserts.  Would you believe, the food disappeared rapidly with countless requests for recipes?

Will Your Wheat Storage Kill You? Exploring the utilization of wheat in your food storage

When most people think about eating from their food storage, they think about mundane wheat, rice, and beans.  If I had to live on that, I may very well starve to death out of boredom, also known as “appetite fatigue.”   There are two key ways to avoid this from happening to you and your family if you’re forced to live off of food storage.