Recipe Friday–Corn Syrup Alternative

Recipe Friday—Corn Syrup Substitute.

corn syrupCorn has infiltrated so many of our standard foods nowadays. The problem is that not only is the majority of food now tainted in the GMO processes but many people nowadays have an allergy to corn. (I can’t help but think the two are related.) As such I wanted to share a recipe with you that’s an alternative to corn syrup so that you don’t have to do without some of the sweet luxuries that you enjoy. I use this syrup base almost exclusively in place of corn syrup. In fact, I’m using it tomorrow to make a divine Honey-Star Anise Marshmallow Mousse. Yum!

Do You REALLY Have Enough Food Storage?


“How much food storage do I need?”

For the record, I absolutely loathe the term “food storage.” It’s no longer used in our household because I’m not a squirrel. As such I don’t purchase items which serve no other purpose than to be stuffed away into a corner, only to promise unpleasant eating later.  If I don’t eat it or know how to use it, it doesn’t come into our home. And if it comes into our home, we use it and are very familiar with it.

Now, have said that, the question posed above is a common question in my line of work because others don’t necessarily share my point of view. That’s okey dokey. Regarding having “enough” there are certainly plenty of numbers thrown out there. I do have an opinion to add to that list of suggested amounts, of course, though I confess that my answers aren’t always well received—I have this nasty habit of sharing facts that may contradict what a person has relied upon for a long time. *wink* So, how much food do you really need in order to have a year’s supply for your family at any given time?

Bacon Heaven–Detailed Bacon Canning Tips and Tricks

Bacon, bacon, B-A-C-O-N! There are some foodies who consider bacon to be the Food of the God’s. While Paula Deen has her well-known belief of “you can never have enough butter” (and I do SO agree), there are many bacon fans out there that would rather have to listen to a Milli Vanilli Greatest Hits Marathon than do without their bacon. I think we’d encourage a lot more people to carry firearms if we were ever able to convince bacon lovers that zombies might take their precious salted pork someday. “Zombies after my bacon?! Now them’s fightin’ words!”

Got Culture? Discover Fermentation

fermentationRemember when I told you about how great sprouts are nutritionally?  A seed can increase its nutritional content by 500-600% just with sprouting. Just a little water and 48-60 hours of patience, and you’ve got amazing, live, fresh nutrition!  Well, the fermentation of foods is a very similar science. You can take a wonderfully nutritious food such as fruits, vegetables, grains, meats and whole dairy products and compound their nutritional value through fermentation AND do so in such a way that the body just gobbles up those nutrients.  Obviously, if we can’t absorb the nutrients, then they don’t do our bodies much good.