Clothing & Shelter Preparedness

14 Jan 2010 by filed in Clothing & Shelter Preparedness
by Kellene Yup. You read that right. I hate emergency preparedness. I loathe the use of the phrase “emergency preparedness.”  I suspect that some psychotic Anarchist came up with the phrase in an attempt to capitalize and commercialize fear.  The word emergency is intended to quicken the heart beat, make the breathing more shallow, make one feel out of control and vulnerable and replace confidence and competence with debilitating anxiety. The very use of the word “emergency” sucks all of the...
21 Dec 2009 by filed in Clothing & Shelter Preparedness
Major snowstorms blanket the Eastern coast Over the last two days I’ve heard from friends and readers recount their stories of the last few days of confronting the snow storm in the east.  Two of my friends attended a Christmas party at an upscale townhome in Annapolis, Maryland.  They drove their SUV and felt that all would be well in spite of the windy snow storm. When the party was over and the guests were leaving, it was quickly apparent that no guests were leaving—not even the driver of...
01 Dec 2009 by filed in Clothing & Shelter Preparedness
The message I wanted to convey yesterday In Rural or Urban Preparedness Part I is to get into preparedness regardless of where you live. It’s unrealistic to think that we can all live out in a rural environment and only by doing so will we be safe and secure. To promote such an idea would indeed be fear mongering. However, if you live in a more populated area, these are some things you must take into consideration in your preparedness efforts in order to ensure your safety and survival. Urban...
04 Nov 2009 by filed in Clothing & Shelter Preparedness
Let me start by saying Preparedness Is Never Pointless. Preparedness isn’t about “guaranteeing” ourselves that we will have a particular result. There are too many aspects that are completely out of our control for this to be realistic. Preparedness is about giving ourselves OPTIONS. Today’s article is in response to a question posed yesterday by one of our readers. I’m sure that he speaks for nearly everyone—at least at some point in their preparedness efforts. I felt that his answer merited...
20 Jul 2009 by filed in Clothing & Shelter Preparedness
, The Preparedness Pro Typically when I mention "emergency" preparedness, or preparedness of any kind to someone they automatically think of “food storage” or “the Mormons.”  Unfortunately, a focus on either will not save your family in a time of crisis.  There are actually ten vital areas of preparedness to being prepared for an emergency whether it be a natural disaster, act of war or financial collapse or just every day situations in which you might need items from your preparedness pantry...
27 Feb 2009 by filed in Clothing & Shelter Preparedness
  You’ve heard the announcement on the TV of a pending emergency.  What’s your first reaction?  Well, if you’re like 95% of the adult population it’s to go to the store and stock up.  But if you already have key items on hand and know how to discern between that which is needful and that which is foolish, you’ll avoid the chaos that will inevitably be present at any store after such an announcement. Want to know what to be sure you have on hand in the event of an emergency?  Here is a list...


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