Food Manufacturing Villains
by Kellene
[caption id="attachment_4677" align="alignleft" width="187" caption="Bribes Let Tomato Vendor Sell Tainted Food"]
When I read articles like these,
Bribes Let Tomato Vendor Sell Tainted Food
I am reminded exactly why it is that I believe in having a well-stocked pantry that has long shelf-life. I am also reminded as to why I do not invest heavily in canned goods if I can get away with it. That doesn’t mean that I don’t indulge in canned goods. They certainly have their place, but I definitely have reliable, clean, and safe substitutes on hand specifically to guard myself from the corruption, greed, deviant ethics, and just plain incompetence that plagues our food industry. It doesn’t take a famine or heavy rains to give us cause to be more independent in our own food supplies. There is plenty of cause every single day.