The Real Face of the Swine Flu

[caption id="attachment_869" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Photo c/o AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd"]Photo c/o AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd[/caption]

Yes, The WHO has moved the swine flu alert level to level 6, the highest level available.  While some may speculate that this is merely a political move to free up funds for willy-nilly spending, understand that this is also a very historical move.  There are viable concerns about the swine flu.  This article intends to show you the real face of the H1N1 virus.  Here are a handful of facts that you truly do need to know.

The Ease and Magic of Growing Your Own Herbs

[caption id="attachment_861" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Photo c/o"]Photo c/o[/caption]

Someone mentioned to me this morning that they wish they had a farm.  I personally have been wishing that I had a space for a real garden.  I have recently embraced the use of square foot gardening and one thing I decided to do this year in my garden that has me practically giddy is planting herbs in the space that I normally have planted flowers.  I have to tell you, I’m thrilled with the results.  I never fully knew about the ease and magic of growing your own herbs!  I can’t believe I’ve been paying $3 to $8 for a bottle of herbs that are easily grown in my “flower” garden!  Let’s start at the beginning.

Cutting Coupons—Sanity and Peace

cutting-couponsI can’t think of a single person I know who wouldn’t love more sanity and peace in their life.  But I suspect that very few of them would think of cutting coupons as a source of that sanity and peace, right?

Last Sunday at church, a guy gave a lesson to the whole congregation on financial preparedness and being financially prudent regardless of whether you’re struggling or not.  His advice was timely and right on.  

You Don’t Have To Waste Your Food Storage Money

waste-food-storage-moneyThere’s nothing sadder to me than when I see someone who’s finally started taking steps to build up their food storage, only to hear that they’ve wasted tons of money by having to throw food out.  I see folks buy foods regularly without being mindful of the best way to store it.  More unfortunate is that folks are throwing away perfectly good grains when there’s no need to.  The good news is that you don’t have to waste your food storage money this way.  I’m going to show you how to maximize every precious buck!  This article is to help you understand how NOT to waste all of that hard work and food storage money.

Is Emergency Preparedness Boring?

boring-emergency-preparednessOh my gosh!  No wonder why more people don’t get involved with emergency preparedness!  If you do an internet search on emergency preparedness, at least the first 20 pages of the links are downright BORING!  Ugh!  I’d rather actually be in an earthquake than try to live through another internet search on emergency preparedness again!  Make Al-Qaida prisoners of war read government articles on emergency preparedness and you’ll have no problem finding Bin Laden in a heartbeat!  Do these people get a raise for being boring?  If so, then I can understand (more…)

Will You Be Jekyll or Hyde in an Emergency?

[caption id="attachment_793" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Photo c/o"]Photo c/o[/caption] A real emergency will change who you are today if you aren’t prepared now, pure and simple.  The difference in personalities and decision making in the midst of an emergency is very much like a Jekyll and Hyde complex.  Whether you’ll be Jekyll or Hyde in an emergency is up to you today.  Which will you be?

Yes, You Can Easily Can Meat

meat-butcherIf you’re like me, you’re an avid meat eater.  I plan on having meat protein in at least one meal a day, even during an emergency.  Rather than relying on my hunting skills or the availabilty of tasty game after a nuclear blast, a hurricane, or an earthquake, I’ve made sure to store chicken, turkey, SPAM, seafood, and beef.  However, I got sick of paying $4 to $6 a pound real fast!  I also didn’t really want to eat “jerky” for a whole year either.  So I simply HAD to find out for myself whether or not it’s possible to can “bottle” meat.  Sure enough, YES, it is.  And it’s EASY to can meat!