The Constituents of Essential Oils


Yes, I’ve been a bit absent lately. But I have a really good reason and perhaps you might even be happy with the fruits of what I’ve been working on. If you haven’t heard, I’m a big proponent of using essential oils for a myriad of health care and wellness needs. They are the oldest known forms of medicinal aid we have on record and they are still being used regularly by medical professionals in Europe and parts of Asia.  My problem though, while researching them for over a decade, was that I kept trying them and they didn’t work for me. Frankly, I had thought that I was just the exception to the rule and still foolishly purchased thousands of dollars of what I thought were the best quality oils at the time in hopes that they would help someone else, someday, when traditional medical care would not be available.

The Facts About Fish Antibiotics

fish antibioticsI’ve received a LOT of questions lately as to the notion of using fish antibiotics (fish mox) for human use as well as livestock antibiotics and other livestock medicine for human use—of course not for everyday, but certainly in an effort to be medically self-reliant if an “end of the world as we know it” scenario occurs. (Yes, there actually are other euphemisms to describe a crisis other than “when the *bleep* hits the fan.” *grin*) Well, the short answer to these queries is NO, livestock medicines are not fit for human use and YES, fish antibiotics certainly are acceptable for human use. So…go fish.

Finally, Some Medical Help That NEVER Lets Me Down!

I have been studying and using (intermittently) essential oils for over a decade.  My problem was though that I never found a brand/line that performed perfectly and consistently. Essential oils are not intended to be a “cure all” but I firmly believe that the body itself is a cure all if given the proper tools AND enough time. And my ten+ years of study showed me that essential oils SHOULD be an ideal tool to help the body, but I kept getting met with disappointment. Why? Well, in part because the governmental initials have once again done for us what was in the best interest of Big Business, not our bodies. They permit any essential oil that comes from the U.S. companies to be labeled as “pure” if there is only 2% of pure essential oils inside–and by the way, that’s ANY essential oil inside.

How Long Will It Last?

How long can I store flour? What’s the shelf-life of freeze-dried strawberries? Can I preserve meat in some way other than smoking or drying it?   I’d have to say the most common question I get asked as the Preparedness Pro is asking me how long something will store of […]

A Worthwhile Library for 2012

, The Preparedness Pro

One of the things that I enjoy most about the beginnings of a new year is laying out my list of library books to study that year based on what librarymy new targeted aspect of self-reliance is for that year. For example, this past year my goal was to master auricular therapy and to at least try my hand at raised garden beds. This year I want to master making artisan breads and some other alternative health care modalities. So I mosey over to Amazon and do some looking around based on my chosen topics, add the library books to my wish list and purchase them throughout the year. (I frequently purchase used library books because they are can be significantly less than the new ones and in great condition.)