FoodSaver Saves the Day

I know that I’ve shared with you all the merits of a FoodSaver previously, but my enthusiasm for it has recently been refreshed. FoodSaverLast week I wanted to use up some brown bananas and make some banana bread. I usually put walnuts in my banana bread, but for some reason I was having a challenge finding my walnuts. After searching for about 20 minutes, I finally found a large half-gallon Mason jar of them which I had sealed via the FoodSaver Mason Jar attachment. Inside the jar, I had the walnuts still in their original packaging which read “Best if used by October 10, 2007.” Nearly three years old on a food that is notorious for going rancid quickly. So…the moment of truth…


The Battle of Mice and Men

If you’re experiencing a problem with mice now, just wait until there’s a time that regular sanitation services aren’t available. The mild winter, flooding, and record heat have created a perfect storm for the mouse population. If you see signs of one in your home, there’s at least 34 others…for about 3 weeks anyway, in which time another litter of 4 to 6 are bred and the female then immediately  begins gestation again. Though the average lifespan of a mouse is 18 months, in that time they can produce 60-80 mice.