Moving Boxes
Ah… a cross-country move. Such a joy, especially with 4 dogs in tow. But, there’s always some humor if one is paying attention. For me, I got a hefty dose of it from those who helped me load the moving truck in Utah and from those who helped me unload it in Ohio.
Just a quick FYI, It’s common in my religion for people to help other people move. There are usually just a couple of church leaders that one can call to alert to one’s arrival in a new area, and sure as sunshine you can expect that they will have contacted a handful of people who will generously donate some of their time to help a person get settled into their new home. This approach all but ensures that you’re going to get some people helping you that you haven’t met yet. People who don’t know me yet as The Preparedness Pro can prove to be a great pool of hilarity when they see my “stuff” in relation to the amount of “normal” household goods. There were far more than just 10 comments that made me laugh out loud, and a couple even caused me to snort, but it helped us all get through the physically grueling aspect of the task. So, while you enjoy this post, I’ll be trying to get myself unburied by all of these boxes at my new location so that I can be back to the business of Preparedness Pro in full swing. “See” you all soon!
Top 10 Classic Lines Uttered From Those Who Helped Me With My Move:
1. “Are we going to see any furniture soon?”
2. “You know we have grocery stores in Ohio now, right?”
3. “Are you one of those crazy couponers or something?”
4. “MORE bags of wheat?? Not more wheat! You’re ruining my organization on the truck!”

Moving Day for The Preparedness Pro
5. “I’ve never played Tetris with food storage before. This is going to be fun!”
6. “You know they make these things called a Kindle, right?”
7. “I am not carrying an entire case of feminine products. Let HER carry it!”
8. “Is this really what it says it is…25 pounds of hazelnuts?”
9. “Please tell me that 55 gallon barrel does NOT have water in it!”
And my favorite, as uttered by a very precocious 11 year-old boy who came to help with his dad:
10. “Oh, Good. You have ammo to go along with all of this other stuff.”
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