The Facts About Fish Antibiotics

fish antibioticsI’ve received a LOT of questions lately as to the notion of using fish antibiotics (fish mox) for human use as well as livestock antibiotics and other livestock medicine for human use—of course not for everyday, but certainly in an effort to be medically self-reliant if an “end of the world as we know it” scenario occurs. (Yes, there actually are other euphemisms to describe a crisis other than “when the *bleep* hits the fan.” *grin*) Well, the short answer to these queries is NO, livestock medicines are not fit for human use and YES, fish antibiotics certainly are acceptable for human use. So…go fish.

Sounding the Alarm for Medical Independence

It’s always a sad day when we hear on the news about more of our soldiers dying overseas in a war that many of us struggle to understand. Whether it’s one soldier or a dozen who sacrificed their life for their beliefs and the security of this nation, I believe it’s newsworthy. Fortunately the mainstream media feels that way as well.  But medicalwhat shocks me is when we have 139,000 deaths of our fellow Americans—caused by an FDA approved drug that no one finds even remotely as newsworthy, even though such deaths are more than forty-six times the number of soldiers who died in Iraq. These poor people certainly did not die for so lofty a cause of freedom or protection; rather these deaths resulted because a patient followed their doctor’s recommendation to take a particular medication which was marketed as reducing the risk of heart disease.

All Hail the AMA

Today’s article comes to us courtesy of a reader who took such great exception to my article from yesterday.  I have never taken this type of approach previously, however, I feel that it’s important to do so in this case so that there be no disillusion as to what this year has in store with Preparedness Pro. The post yesterday was as follows, with an anonymous name and non-working e-mail address (kind of funny when you think about that aspect actually because anonymity is the ideal characteristic of someone who’s attempting to do something in secret, don’t ya think?)