Catching UP and UP with Preparedness Pro!

preparednessI don’t know about you, but I sure am tired of our site going down all the time. And it seems to be getting slower and slower and slower. So we are taking the plunge and switching over from Dotster to Blue Host. This is not an easy peezy task and it will take several days so I’m giving you fair warning. Starting this Sunday, June 10th, through Monday the 18th we’ll be transitioning our site to our new format. Not only will we be using a new server, but we’ll have some exciting new features for you as well.

Recipe Friday–Corn Syrup Alternative

Recipe Friday—Corn Syrup Substitute.

corn syrupCorn has infiltrated so many of our standard foods nowadays. The problem is that not only is the majority of food now tainted in the GMO processes but many people nowadays have an allergy to corn. (I can’t help but think the two are related.) As such I wanted to share a recipe with you that’s an alternative to corn syrup so that you don’t have to do without some of the sweet luxuries that you enjoy. I use this syrup base almost exclusively in place of corn syrup. In fact, I’m using it tomorrow to make a divine Honey-Star Anise Marshmallow Mousse. Yum!

Breaking News: Good-bye “Affordable” Solar Panels

solar panelsI suppose there’s a little something wrong with calling the present solar panels on the market “affordable” but by comparison to what’s on the horizon, they will look like dollar store deals.

This morning I received an e-mail from one of my readers. She had forwarded an e-mail to me which she had received. The e-mail is from a company that I’m familiar with, In the e-mail the company explains that even though they placed an order from China for solar panels LONG before the May 20th Tariff, they would be subjected to a new tariff which amounts to over 249 percent! No, that’s not a typo. Two-hundred and forty nine point ninety-eight percent to be exact. Their order was $18,000 but the tariff would add an EXTRA $44,000 to the bill and as such, they are unable to pick up their solar panels from the Los Angeles Port.