Conspiracy Programming

[caption id="attachment_4076" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Conspiracies--Fact or Fiction? photo co corrupt-org"][/caption]

by Kellene

I’ve probably said this before, but one of my favorite conspiracy bumper stickers of all time says “Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after me.”

I find that there is a dangerous and debilitating stigma in our international society.  If a proposed theory has anything to do with the fact that a person or group of persons has actually conspired, plotted, and planned to bring about the demise of another person, then the proposal is discounted as audacious and mentally deficient. “Conspiracy!” they cry—as if

How to Can Meat Step-by-Step


[caption id="attachment_4052" align="alignright" width="300"] When you can get meat at a killer deal–can it!
All Rights Reserved 2012 Preparedness Pro/Kellene[/caption]

I think if the real Suzy Homemaker had to can 100 pints of meat, or anything, she would be haggard and worn.  However, modern day technology and science makes the tasks of our ancestors a proverbial cake walk.  I often tell my students that I truly am the laziest preparedness person they will ever meet. If there is an easy way to do something, I find it. I work full-time nearly 6 days a week and have to manage my physical and emotional energy wisely. I assure you that if canning meat was a real torture, I certainly wouldn’t be doing it.  So today, I’m going to hold your hand and walk you through this task step by step.

The Law of Contrasts

[caption id="attachment_4018" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Are you looking at homes that are way out of your price range?"]Contrasts[/caption]

It’s common in the world of real estate sales for a realtor to show their prospective buyers homes that are WAY out of their price range in order to soften them up enough to buy a home that is a bit above their intended price range. By viewing all of the larger homes, the buyers are usually more willing to accept a home that may be a bit more than what they were willing to pay, but still be manageable in contrast to the enormous homes they have already viewed.  This strategy works well in a myriad of sales fields and is a strategy called “the law of contrasts.” Today, I’m going to use that same strategy on you. *grin*

Wake Up and Prioritize

[caption id="attachment_4007" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Having a nice house isn't everything"][/caption]

The party was so wonderful. The house was warm with hugs, greetings, and shared tales of joy and heartache from the previous year. So and so had a new baby on the way. The hostess had just received a new customized dining room table so that she could seat her burgeoning family at meal time. A young man had just been honorably advanced in the military. Seeing old friends and making news ones was a great way to start the New Year. So why was I so distraught as I walked home?  What was it that was interrupting my happiness from attending such an event? What a beautiful home.  The food was scrumptious.