Newspapers for an Emergency?

newspaper-stackI pay a whopping $15.18 a month for FIVE Sunday newspapers.  I do this primarily for the coupons which afford me to feed our family well and feed our food storage abundantly.  I easily multiply my investment by 10 times each month just considering the grocery savings.  But the multiple other purposes I use the newspapers for after compound those rewards and even makes me eager to take spare newspapers off of another persons’ hands.

Independence in Preparation

Ultimately, emergency preparedness is about independence—the ability to rely on yourself to provide for you and your family’s needs.  That’s really what being prepared boils down to.  It’s not about absolving fear in your life.  It’s about celebrating your independence, your abilities, and your responsibilities.  It’s about proactively ensuring your future health and happiness.  In my opinion, your continual acts of preparation manifest your commitment to independence.

Honey, O, Honey

[caption id="attachment_1089" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Honey photo c/o Getty"]Honey photo c/o Getty[/caption]

My drug of choice?  Well, I could say chocolate, or a Dr. Pepper, or even a sweet kiss from my hubby (those make my knees buckle).  But there’s nothing like a small spoonful of honey to put me in a happy, delicious mood.  Seriously.  Perhaps it’s because each time I steal a taste, I’m not just tasting the substance of honey, but its overwhelming value everyday, and in an emergency.  Honey not only tastes good, but it has numerous medicinal and comfort uses as well.  You know me, I love items that have multiple uses.  Honey is one of the super stars of my food storage AND first-aid supplies.