Is Emergency Preparedness Boring?

boring-emergency-preparednessOh my gosh!  No wonder why more people don’t get involved with emergency preparedness!  If you do an internet search on emergency preparedness, at least the first 20 pages of the links are downright BORING!  Ugh!  I’d rather actually be in an earthquake than try to live through another internet search on emergency preparedness again!  Make Al-Qaida prisoners of war read government articles on emergency preparedness and you’ll have no problem finding Bin Laden in a heartbeat!  Do these people get a raise for being boring?  If so, then I can understand (more…)

Will You Be Jekyll or Hyde in an Emergency?

[caption id="attachment_793" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Photo c/o"]Photo c/o[/caption] A real emergency will change who you are today if you aren’t prepared now, pure and simple.  The difference in personalities and decision making in the midst of an emergency is very much like a Jekyll and Hyde complex.  Whether you’ll be Jekyll or Hyde in an emergency is up to you today.  Which will you be?