Have plywood on hand for broken windows and to shore them up
If you’ve reached the point where your pantry shelves are groaning under the weight of enough beans to feed a small army, it’s time to shift gears. While food storage is the poster child of preparedness, there’s a whole world of essential items that deserve your attention. Let’s talk about the unsung heroes of household resilience – the stuff that keeps your home functioning when the world decides to throw a curveball your way.
The Maintenance Maverick’s Must-Haves
That bottle of 3-in-1 oil sitting in your grandfather’s workshop wasn’t just taking up space. Like a reliable old friend, this liquid wonder can solve problems you didn’t even know you had. Beyond silencing that door hinge that sounds like a distressed pterodactyl at midnight, it’s essential for maintaining everything from tools to firearms. In a world where replacement parts might become as rare as a librarian at a monster truck rally, keeping your equipment well-oiled could make all the difference.
Wire might seem about as exciting as watching paint dry, but trust me – this humble hero deserves a spot in your prep stash. As versatile as a Swiss Army knife at a camping convention, wire can repair anything from chicken coops to garden trellises. I’ve used it to create emergency gate latches, hang solar lights, and rescue more wobbly shelves than I care to admit. Some folks even keep it handy for survival snares, though hopefully you’ll just be using it to wrangle your tomato plants into submission.
Hardware and Helpers
Utility knife blades might seem like a mundane prep, but they’re as essential as coffee on a Monday morning. Yes, modern blades have gotten cheaper and more fragile than a toddler’s New Year’s resolution, but when you need a clean cut, nothing else will do. Stock up – they have a mysterious habit of vanishing right when you need them most.
Your metal files might not have the sex appeal of the latest tactical gadget, but try maintaining your bladed tools without one. A dull machete or axe is about as useful as a GPS in the Bermuda Triangle. Plus, there’s something oddly satisfying about the rhythmic sound of filing that makes it feel like meditation with a purpose. Oh, and be sure you know how to use it!
Zip ties, those humble plastic warriors, are practically modern alchemy in strip form. Need to secure cables? Zip tie. Emergency backpack repair? Zip tie. Temporary fence fix? You guessed it. Keep plenty around – they’re like the duct tape of the plastic world, only less sticky and more socially acceptable.
Speaking of duct tape. Do I really have to mention duct tape? It’s a miracle worker as any prepper knows.
Plumbing Predicaments

Have supplies on hand to fix the plumbing!
Let’s talk about those O-rings and plumbing parts that make most people’s eyes glaze over faster than a doughnut at Krispy Kreme. Here’s the truth: plumbing emergencies are like uninvited in-laws – they show up at the worst possible times. That complete pump rebuild kit might seem excessive until you’re the only house on the block with running water. Remember: two is one, one is none, and none means you’re hauling water like it’s 1899.
PVC cement and primer might not make your heart race, but without them, those spare pipe fittings are about as useful as a paddle in a sandstorm. And don’t forget thread seal tape – that magical white ribbon that’s worth its weight in gold when you need a watertight seal.
Securing Your Castle
Extra deadbolts and door handles might seem like overkill, but hardware fails at the most inconvenient times. Having spares is like having an understudy for your home security play – not exciting until the star can’t perform. Throw in some spare hinges too, because nobody thinks about them until they’re serenading the neighborhood with their rusty symphony. And be sure that you use the longer screws than what comes with them for extra security!
Plywood for windows isn’t just for hurricane zones anymore. When disaster strikes, having pre-cut plywood sheets makes you look like a preparation prophet while your neighbors are trying to measure boards by flashlight. Keep them dry and flat, label the sizes, and feel smugly prepared.
Fresh tarps (not the sad, sun-brittled one that’s been aging in your garage since the last administration) and quality roof sealant are your first line of defense against nature’s attempt to redecorate your home with unwanted water features. (I like the ones that Costco carries).
The Final Essential Touches
Caulk and sealants in both silicone and latex varieties are like the backup singers of home maintenance – not the stars of the show, but everything falls apart without them. And don’t forget that manual utility shut-off tool. It’s like having an ‘undo’ button for household disasters, turning potential catastrophes into mere inconveniences. That reminds me of another valuable asset. The foam that fills holes! I always have a couple of cans on hand and there’s a reason for that! (I always have two because as soon as you use it, it’s useless to use again and 2 is 1 and 1 is none.)

Deadbolts and door handles need to be replaced periodically. Be prepared.
The Bottom Line
Prepping isn’t just about surviving the apocalypse – it’s about maintaining your independence when supply chains hiccup or service providers get overwhelmed. These 18 items might not be as exciting as the latest survival gadget, but they’re the difference between being a MacGyver or a damsel in distress when things go sideways.
Remember: “If this storm doesn’t get your attention, the next one will.” But with these supplies tucked away, you won’t be making midnight runs to the hardware store in your pajamas during the next crisis. And isn’t that what preparedness is really about? Well, that and having something to grin about when you save the day with your perfectly organized stash of O-rings and zip ties.
Keep prepping, keep smiling, and maybe buy some extra utility knife blades. Trust me on that last one.